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Nexus wasn't one to complain, but he hated his current situation. The cold, stone walls of his cell closed in around him.

"Ugh... this is the worst..." he grumbled, it had been a year since he was kidnapped and experimented on, his formerly dark brown hair was now black and blue, he was a little shorter and he could see in the dark, and his immortality was about to be tested...

One of the guards opened his cell and cuffed him, he led him to the testing room, the was a glass tube-like chamber in the center of the room, the guard unlocked his cuffs and shoved him into the tube, he couldn't hear a word the scientists were saying, he looked up and saw a blue orb of energy above him, it suddenly blasted him, and sent him back in time

And hour later he was teleported back, he was sent back 980 years in the past, and he had spent 997 years in the past as well, but he hadn't aged a bit, the scientists ran tests on him and sent the guard to throw him back in his cell. 

Nexus woke up, the flashbacks of his life in containment of an evil facility kept haunting him in his dreams, he got up and looked around the corner of the alley, to make sure the coast was clear, he walked out and went down the road he had always gone down to calm himself

Life wasn't fair to him, he didn't have a family, a place to live, or any friends. He just had a mattress in an alley, and that was it. He walked and walked until he had reached the lamppost with a broken bulb, he leaned against it and sighed, he suddenly heard footsteps coming in his direction, he hid between 2 buildings and glanced in the direction of the noise, it wasn't a threat.

 Nexus sighed with relief as he saw the person with pink and purple clothing was putting a flyer on one of the lampposts, he came out of his hiding place and leaned against the lamppost again. He couldn't help but think about his family, he was taken from them by a man named Daddy Dearest, and he had to watch as DD murdered his family. He let a tear escape from his eye. 

"Um, are you alright?" the person from before asked him, concerned. Nexus was startled at first, but said he was fine. "You were crying... are you sure you're ok?" she asked again, and again he said he was fine.

 She sighed "Well then, might I ask you something?"

Nexus: Yes?

???: Would you like to join my church?

Nexus: Hmm Sure

(not like I had anything better to do)

???: Oh thank you!! C'mon this way

Nexus: ok 

???: I'm Sarvente BTW, but you can call me Sarv!

Nexus: I'm Nexus 

Sarv: Nice to meet you!  


Sarv We're here

Nexus: hmm, nice

Ruv: Hello Sarv, who is this

Sarv: This is our newest member, Nexus!

Ruv: Nice to meet you, Nexus

Nexus: Yeah... you too ig

Sarv: Well, Should we start then?

Ruv: Sure, I don't see why not...  

Nexus: Start what? 

Sarv: well, we usually sing before the message 

Nexus: Oh... I'm afraid I'm not a very good singer... 

Sarv: Oh c'mon just give it a try, I'm sure you'll be ok! 

Nexus: Well... Alright 

(BTW Nexus's voice is deeper than BF's but I couldn't find a good cover so I have to stick with this) 

Sarv: Hey You're pretty good!!

Nexus: oh... thanks...

Sarv: well how about one more?

Nexus: ummm... ok

Nexus: (smiling): huh... that was... amazing

Sarv: Well you seem happier then you were before! 

Nexus: I am

Sarv: Well good!

Ruv: nice job Nexus

Nexus: thank you Ruv

Sarv: ok, let's start with the message

To Be Continued...

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