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Nexus: Hey Cyber me?

Cyber Nexus: Yeah

Nexus: Since you're technically me from another dimension, does that mean that the same things that happened to me... happened to you?

Cyber Nexus: Well more or less

Nexus: What do you mean?

Cyber Nexus: Well I used to look like you

Nexus: cuz of experimenting?

Cyber Nexus: no, I was born that way. and I was a singer, and when I outshined the Dearests... well Daddy Dearest "invited" me to talk with him cuz he had some advice for me and then... he killed me... and later I woke up in this body.

Nexus: oh...

Cyber Nexus: The scientist who were making the robot were really confused but they made it so I can be as close to a human as possible.

Nexus: oh.

Cyber Nexus: Anyway what's going on lately?

Nexus: nothing much, my brother is daring me to get a gf by the end of the year even tho I'm not interested

Cyber Nexus: Are you now?

Nexus: oh not you too... You're not one to talk!!! What about Nikusa?

Cyber Nexus: What about her?

Nexus: Weren't you like crushing on her?

Cyber Nexus: No...

Nexus: How come you were blushing?

Cyber Nexus: ok here's what really happened... My antivirus system was acting up in the void and it cause me to overheat, it altered my voice, and it made it hard to move

Nexus: Oh... that explain why you sounded different... anyway sorry

Cyber Nexus: me too man

Nexus: sigh...

Cyber Nexus: what's wrong?

Nexus: nothing... sorry... just got lost in my thoughts

Cyber Nexus: ... and if you're wondering... he killed them too... my family

Nexus:  sorry to hear that...

Cyber Nexus: I try not to think about it

Nexus: Well I got somewhere to be, see you soon cyber

Cyber Nexus: bye...

To be Continued...

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