Home is where the heart is

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Nexus had attended several of Sarv's worship sessions and enjoyed every second of them. But Sarv and Ruv knew that something was wrong. 

Sarv: Hey Ruv?

Ruv: Yes?

Sarv I couldn't help but noticed how sad nexus is before worship...

Ruv: Huh... you noticed too?

Sarv: Yeah... Something must be going on in his life...

Ruv: Maybe a stressful home life?

Sarv: quite possibly

Ruv: So... what should we do?

Sarv: next time he comes here, we'll have a talk with him instead of the regular Sunday worship

Ruv: oh... ok 

(The next week) 

Nexus: Hey everyone...

Sarv: Ok Nexus, today we are going to do something different...

Nexus: what?

Ruv: we need to talk...

Nexus: (sits down) Oh, ok what is it?

Sarv: (puts her hand on Nexus's shoulder) Me and Ruv are worried about you, you always show up looking so sad, what's wrong

Nexus: oh um it's n-nothing really... 

Ruv: don't lie to us Nexus, we are here to help you  

Nexus: well ok...

(imagine this song as the conversation they are having)

(During the song, Nexus admits that he lost his family and his home and that the church is the only place he feels safe)

Sarv: oh dear...

Ruv: oh...

Nexus: yeah... that's the problem...

Sarv: Well You're welcome to stay with us!

Ruv: Sarv! 

Nexus: Wha-

Sarv: Ruv, he has nowhere to go...

Ruv: hmm... fine he can stay

Nexus (almost crying): R-really?

Sarv: Of course

Nexus (crying): (runs to Sarv and Ruv and hugs them) Oh thank you, Thank you so much!

Sarv: Aw no problem

Ruv: (smiles) 

Nexus: also I just realized that you 2 said you lived together

Sarv and Ruv: (blush)

To be continued...

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