Screen Demon

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Nexus was on his weekly stroll he was hanging out with Drake, Drake thought that it was just a calm walk with a friend. But Nexus actually had shocking news.

Drake: Uh what's that?

Nexus looked in the direction where drake was pointing and saw what looked like a black hole under him, he fell in the moment he looked. when he woke up he was in a strange place

 when he woke up he was in a strange place

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???: Welcome inmate!

Nexus: huh? Inmate?

???: yep, you're the void's newest inmate

Nexus: Uh ok?

???: oh were are my manners, I'm AGOTI

Nexus: I'm Nexus... (thinking: Why the hell does he look like venom?

Agoti: You had a pretty bad fall, you ok?

Nexus: yeah I'm fine

Agoti: K, but this fell outta ur pocket when you fell (hands him his mic)

Nexus: Thx...

Agoti: Hey, you wanna drop a few beats?

Nexus: Sure!

Nexus: Daaaamn that was awesome!!!!!!!

Agoti: Thanks

(the ground rumbles)

Nexus: What the... 

Agoti: Yeah... our singing disturbs the void.. and kills anyone in it... I barely escape with my life...

Nexus: What?

Agoti: Yeah... people sing to try to escape... it never works...

Nexus: Well let's make it work!!

Agoti: Hehehe I like the way you think

(After the song the ground rumbled even more and Agoti crushed his mic and smashed it into the ground, he seemed furious)


Nexus: Wha-


Nexus: I have an Idea, we should sing while it's falling


Nexus: If we're gonna die, then what do we got to lose?

Agoti: UGH FINE!!!!!!!!

After the song, A bright white light filled Nexus and Agoti's vision and they ended up at the park Nexus was at earlier, it was sunset

Agoti: Wh- Wha... we're back?

Nexus: It's sunset???

Agoti: Nexus Thank you so much... I- I gotta get home to my family

Nexus: uh np, so do I... BTW how long were you stuck there?

Agoti: IDK... feels like forever...

Nexus: well I'm glad I could help!


                                                                                   1 week later

Agoti: Hey Sol...

Solazar: Hmm? AGOTI!!! Where have you been?!?

Agoti: Yeah.. umm... I had a rough... time somewhere...  (Solazar runs up to Agoti and hugs him) Whoa WHOA, OW WTF I'M STILL HURT YOU KNOW!!!!!!!!

Solazar:  Agoti, I. AM. YOUR. MANAGER! You can't just run off like that!!! I had multiple reports of you going missing!!!

Agoti: HEY, I DIDN'T GO MISSING ON MY OWN, OKAY?!? You dumbass let me explain!!!

Solazar:  Oh alright, What is it now, Did you get yourself in trouble or what?

Agoti: I've been in the void

Solazar: The Void?!?! How?

Agoti: Old Man Double D and Mommy Milkers hated how I outshined every other artist, so they tried to erase me...

Solazar: Those... damn... demonic... bastards... 

Agoti: And I got out because of this blue and black hair guy named Nexus by rap battling

Solazar: ...what?

Agoti: Yeah... weird stuff

Solazar: Was he by chance wearing all blue and carried a gun with him?

Agoti: come to think of it... yeah...

Solazar: I've heard of him... He was once like you... except he got it worse... Dearest killed his family... and had a secret organization experiment on him... but there was an incident.. and all of the experiments escaped...

We need to find him...

Agoti: ...Why?

Solazar: He hates dearest... he's very powerful, and he was an excellent singer. He could make a good ally and partner in the future...

Agoti: Do... we need to find him now? Cuz I'm really tired...

Solazar: Alright... let's rest up for today... I booked a good hotel nearby, and yes.. It's 5 star.

Agoti: Woo! Best luxury from the Star Man!!!

To be Continued....

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