The Bet

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Nexus was hanging out with Selever and Rasazy, It was January and Selever had a bet ready for Nexus

Sel: Hey Nexus

Nexus: yeah

Sel: I have a bet 4 u

Ras: The 6 words before disaster

Sel: shut up, anyway I'm willing to bet you $150 that you won't get a girlfriend by the time the valentine's dance starts next month

Nexus: Oh yeah, I'll take that bet

Sel: Get ready to lose


Nexus: Um Ras, I need help

Ras: sure

Nexus: I rlly don't want to lose this bet but I'm not exactly the type to fall in love or anything like that, Well not again at least

Ras: again

Nexus: Well it's a long story, It was a few months after I escaped the facility, I met this girl... Vortexia... I loved her dearly, but after being with her for about 8 months... I found out that she was an experiment too... and was sent to capture me... so I left... but I'm unsure of she truly loved me or not...

Ras: That's horrible!!!

Nexus: I don't think about it much... It's why it's hard to feel any... kind of... joyful and... loving emotions.... (a few tears slide down Nexus's cheeks)

Ras: Well... I won't let my new brother feel that way! I'll help, and I'll punch Selever for you

Nexus: No d- actually yes pls

Ras: Hehehe

Nexus: (turns to you) Also we need the readers approval or something like that, or not (wink)

Ras: What?

Nexus: Long story

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