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Speedy woke up in what looked like an old military base, he was greeted by an enthusiastic but loud lemur

???: Oh you woke up!

Speedy: AH! Where am I? Who are you? What did you do to me?

???: Hey no need to panic! I'm Tangle BTW, And don't worry we saved you! you lost a lot of blood out there!

Speedy: I'm speedy and thanks...

Tangle: Whisper brought you in after she went on patrol! She said she must have been there right on time!

Speedy: Well then I have to give thanks to this... "Whisper"

Tangle: Ok I'll bring her over, stay put!

(Speedy took a look around and saw an open window, he was going to escape but it hurt to get up, he laid back down on the cot and waited)

Tangle: Ok Speedy, this is Whisper

Speedy: AH!

(Speedy was shocked to see that the creepy looking figure from before was this "Whisper" person)

Speedy: Ok so you saved me, Thank you

Whisper: (whispers) Your welcome...

Speedy: I see why you're called Whisper, but please get rid of the mask, it's freaking me out!

Whisper: Ok...

Speedy: Whoa

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Speedy: Whoa...

Whisper: What is it?

Speedy: Well I wasn't expecting you to look like... that!

Whisper: Like what?

Speedy: well your mask was absolutely terrifying while your actual face is well... if I'm gonna be 100% percent honest, kinda pretty

Whisper: (slight blush) Oh...

Tangle: Well, Speedy you might be wondering how long you gotta stay here... that wound is pretty deep so you'll have to be here for a while!

Speedy: How long

Tangle: At least o month

Speedy: A month?!?

Whisper: We know it sounds bad but you're lucky to be alive! Anyone else would have died!

Speedy: Well... I guess I don't have a choice

Tangle: But once you heal... we'll need your help with something

Speedy: I guess we'll just have to wait

(Timeskip cuz I can)

Tangle: Ok, you've been healing pretty fast! Let's see if you're ok to walk

Speedy: Walk? Get a load of this!

(Speedy jumped and spindashed across the room and jumped up to Tangle and High-fived her)

Tangle: Whoa! Nice! Looks like you didn't need a whole month!

Speedy: oh course not! now you said something about a vocal test?

Tangle: Yeah, we need to make sure your voice is ok, Whisper take this! (hands her a mic)

Whisper: What's this?

Tangle: a mic! you 2 are gonna sing to make sure his vocals are alright!

Whisper: Wh-What?! N-no I can't possibly

Speedy: I'm sure your voice is ok!

Whisper: (sigh) Ok...

(Just imagine Tactie as Whisper, and Sonic as Speedy)


Whisper: Thank you...

Tangle: Ok now that you're fully healed we need your help!

Speedy: Ok what is it

Whisper: What do you know about an Octopus named... Mimic...

To be Continued...

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