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It had been a day since the Ruria situation and Nexus was still unsure about going outside

Sarv: Hey, u ok?

Nexus: yeah... I'm just a little uneasy about going outside after... y'know

Sarv: Hey don't worry, you'll be ok 

Nexus: what if something worse than Ruria comes and I can't handle it?

Sarv: Then you know how to ask for help

Nexus: (sigh) yeah... you're right

Sarv: Just go for a walk and come back if anything goes wrong

Nexus: ok

(Nexus leaves to go for a walk)

Nexus: Huh... maybe she's right! Maybe I should 

(someone crashes through a building)

???: AUGH!!!

Nexus: OMG!!!!! WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!

???: um a little help?

Nexus: Uhhh ok?

(Nexus helps him get up on his feet)

???: Thx for that


???: oh uh don't worry about

Nexus: Oh sorry for wondering why a kid who looks like a Shadow fanboi with a lizard tail just got yeeted out of a freaking  building!!!

???: Ok first don't cal me kid, and I'm Drake BTW

Nexus: what?

Drake: I'm Drake

Nexus remembered Drake, he was one of the experiments...

Nexus: Well I've gotta get going

Drake: Hey wait!

Nexus: what is it?

Drake: I saw that you have a mic? wanna rap or something?

Nexus: Ugh... fine 

Drake: huh... pretty good ngl

Nexus: Thx but I gotta go

Drake: why are you in such a hurry?

Nexus: because... I have stuff to do...

Drake: um ok, but I never got your name

Nexus: um

Drake: Don't worry, I hated them too, they made me feel constant pain every day

Nexus: WHAT

Drake: Yeah I knew, and I wanted to thank you for freeing us

Nexus: Us?

Drake: yeah, the other experiments!

Nexus: oh.. well then, I'm Nexus

Drake: Well see ya around, Nexus

Nexus: Yeah... I guess...

Nexus: (thinking) The other experiments are free?!?! Oh dear!!!

To be Continued...

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