You get hurt

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You and the doctor were in the future on a distant planet. The citizens of said planet were on the verge of a civil war, and you could tell the doctor was running out of ideas, so you stepped forward.

"Woah woah everyone calm down!" You shouted. "There's no need to fight over something so simple."

The people went silent around you but then a man started yelling from somewhere in the crowd. "Why should we trust a human like you?! We don't even know you!!"

And others joined in shouting things like:

"Kill her!"
"Cut her head off!"

The doctor grabbed your arm and pulled you close to him. "Y/n we need to go. Now."

"But what about-" you started to protest.

"No we have to go!" His voice started to rise as he pulled you along. It didn't take long for the mass of people to start chasing after you. The doctor stayed behind you to try to protect you but just as you got close to the Tardis you felt a sharp pain in your leg and you fell down.

"Y/n!" The doctor shouted and he kneeled down next to you. "Oh this is bad. This is going to hurt."

"What? What's going to hurt??" You say up some and saw an arrow stuck in your leg. The doctor grabbed your hand tightly and looked over his shoulder. The mob of people weren't to far away.

"I'm sorry love." The doctor whispered and quickly pulled the arrow out.

The pain was awful, and the bleeding was making you lightheaded. You felt the doctor pick you up. He was holding you close to his body, and he was so warm. All you could think was that his body was so warm and comforting. You held onto the doctor until you slipped into unconsciousness.

When you woke up again you were in yours and the doctors bed, and he was right there next to you holding your hand gently.

"Morning darling." He smiled.

"How long was I out? What happened?" You started to sit up but the doctor put his hand gently on your shoulder and made you lay back down.

"You've been out for almost two hours. I got you back in here and now we're floating around in space, but the outside of the Tardis isn't in great shape. We'll have to repaint it."

"Darn." You joked.

"I had to stitch up your leg." The doctor sighed. "It was pretty gross."

"Is it less gross now?" You asked.

"Yes, and thank god too. I was afraid something worse was going to happen." The doctor kisser your hand gently. "I love you."

"I love you too." You smiled up at the doctor.

"Don't ever try to convince a foreign species that they don't need war again. I can't risk losing you."

"Okay Doc. Can you make me some soup?" You asked in a cute voice that you knew he couldn't resist.

"Of course." He smiled and went to make your soup.

Man you were lucky to have him to take care of you.

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