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You awoke late one morning, after fighting an army in the future with the doctor. Sure you almost died but it was still the most fun you had ever had. Most days were that way now, but this morning something was off. You heard the doctor and a female voice laughing from some room nearby. The doctor had never mentioned any friends... So who could this be?

You ventured out into the living room to find a red haired Scottish girl sitting on the couch next to the doctor.. Your doctor. You and the Doctor had been officially dating for about a week now, which although isn't long, was still enough to make you jealous.

You cleared your throat and the laughing stopped. "Who's that?" You ask, trying not to sound rude.

"This is Amelia Pond. She's an old friend of mine." The Doctor smiled at you.

"Your friend? Why haven't I met her before?" You crossed your arms and looked into the doctors gorgeous eyes.

"Y/n she's from a completely different time period, it's hard to plan things." He stood up then and walked over to you, and proceeded to drape his arm over your shoulders. "Anyways, Amy this is my girlfriend, the one I was telling you about."

"She's real pretty Doctor." Amy smiled and you suddenly felt embarrassed... The doctor had mentioned you, and called you his girlfriend! Maybe your mind was right, the doctor was very trustworthy after all.

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