Hello readers!!

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So, time has quite literally flown by for me. Aside from today's update the last one before that was March of 2016, and fun fact, I started this when I was only 15 two years ago! I know I've said before that my interests have kind of changed and writing isn't as big a part of my life as it used to be but I do have other social media too and I feel like even if you came here for fanfiction, I should at least let everyone know about the other things I do.

One of those things is my Instagram, I have an art account on there, and grant it, it doesn't have the same number of followers on there as here but that's okay! I try to post every weekend on there and even if I don't make every weekend it's still a lot more frequently then here. At this point I have a rough idea for something that may someday become a comic but if you're interested in what will be essentially "space kids" (more like people who can summon power from planetary gods) then check out my Instagram:


As always, I still love every single one of you who have supported this and your comments always make my day! So stay wild my readers!

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