The doctor goes missing part 1

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(Just a heads up I'll be using my own characters in this mini story part! Let me know what you think!!)

You had grown so accustomed to the warmth of the doctor by your side every morning and night that when you woke up late one morning to nobody beside you, it brought up some concern.

You crawled out of bed and dressed yourself, then headed around to nearly every room you thought The Doctor might be in inside the tardis but you had no luck.

"What's the matter darling?" An unfamiliar female voice called out from behind after you had given up searching. "Can't find your man?"

You turned to see a tall dark haired girl standing in the doorway. Her eyes glowed faintly green and there was something about her that was very unsettling,

"Who are you?" You asked.

"I'm going to be your little helper." She walked over to you and thrust her hand forward. "The names Echo."

"I'm y/n." You shook her hand hesitantly.

"Yeah I knew that." She grinned. "I also happen to know where your little time lord went."

"You do?? Where is he? Is he alright?" You look at her, your thoughts were racing with questions not only about the doctor but about Echo as well.

"He's kidnapped. At least that's what I've heard. Apparently you two have been followed for a while now and they finally got what they wanted."

"Can you help me find him?" You begged. "I don't want to loose him.."

"Does anyone really ever want to loose something they love though?" She looked at you with a cold look and shook her head slightly. "Look ill help but I need something in return."

"Yeah. Sure, what do you need?" You asked.

"This. I need to stay here in the tardis for a while. I'm uh...being hunted, so to speak."

You sighed slightly, wondering if this lady was a criminal or something. But you didn't have many options to work with. You needed to save the doctor and if she was willing to help you... Well you were willing to help her too.

"Fine." You put out your hand. "You've got a deal."

Echo grinned widely at that and shook your hand. "A deal indeed darling. Now let's get this plan started."

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