Chapter 11

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It was Sunday evening, I had just had a long day at the store – customers had been particularly annoying, especially that lady who wanted a new bra but was acting like she was deciding on a ten-year investment. When I came home, I changed into my sweats to throw a couple punches on my sandbag, hoping to relieve some of my exasperation. I had barely started sweating when my phone rang. It was a cellphone number that I did not have in my contacts.


"Hello, Abril. Arthur Dullac speaking."

I gasped. This could not be good news.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing. I'm calling because Carol has just informed me that she is still sick. Her doctor underestimated the seriousness of her condition."

I was confused. "Who?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I am talking about Carol, my personal assistant, the one you have been subbing for." Oh no, I thought. Oh no, no, no, no. "She won't be able to come to work this week either. I was hoping you could fill in for her. I apologize for the very late notice."

There were many reasons why it was a terrible idea. For starters, I had just made a move on the guy, going back to working for him would only be awkward. Also, I was exhausted from working the whole weekend at the store, I wasn't sure I was up for another full week of work with no break. Plus, Eleanor would kill me if I kept accepting long assignments. I knew Patricia had said that it was fine, but let's be honest, Eleanor could just invoke any other pretext to fire me, and Patricia's contract would not protect me. And finally, VDO's was a terrible place where I was not eager to set foot ever again.

"I can hear you think from where I am," Arthur chuckled. "Please, Abril, I wouldn't call you so late if I had any other option."

"I'm not sure it's a good idea, Art—Mr. Dullac. We both know we've not been a good match, last week. I do not wish to repeat the experience."

"That won't be an issue, I won't be around much next week anyway."

"It's not just that. Eleanor will slit my throat if I miss another full week at the store, especially without proper notice. I need this job."

"I can call your employment agency first thing tomorrow and have them sort this out."

"It won't be enough. Eleanor could just say she's firing me for any other reason."

"What about a guarantee? I can draft a contract for you that says that VDO's is committing to match your salary at the store for up to six months, should you be let go. Would that put your mind at peace?"

Oh wow. That was extremely generous.

"I don't—"

"We'll pay you more," he cut me off, stopping me from turning the offer down once more. "A twenty percent increase, how does that sound?"

Okay, it had just become much harder to say no. VDO's wages, even for temp workers, were on the higher end of the spectrum. The prospect of earning even more for one week was tempting. It would allow me to buy a new phone, maybe, or a new computer. I was in desperate need of both. I could also save some of that money, although God knows it was quite unlikely that I ended up doing that.

"Please, Abril," Arthur begged one last time.

"Twenty-five percent," I negotiated.

"Deal. I'll see you tomorrow at eight a.m., then. I'll have your contract ready for you. Goodnight, Abril, and thank you."

"Goodnight, Mr. Dullac."

I heard him laugh softly before he hung up.

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