Chapter 38

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I did not make it upstairs. I could not just go home and go to sleep after such a night. I took out my phone and ordered an Uber. It arrived in less than ten minutes.

While I was in the car, my phone rang. My heart skipped a beat, thinking it was Arthur calling to have a talk. Except it was not him, but Victor, of all people. I didn't pick up, I didn't want anything to do with him. He kept calling, so I put my phone on silent, upset that it wasn't the younger Dullac on the other end of that phone.

My eyes started to sting and I forced the tears back to their tear ducts. I would not cry over that man. Yes, I had done something terrible, and I wasn't proud of it. But he was fucking married. Wasn't that horrible too? It's not just a sordid detail from his life that he had omitted, but a full human being. With whom he had shared a bed, and probably a house. Had they done it in the bed I shared with Arthur so often? In his shower? A shudder ran up my spine as I pictured it.

From shocked and devastated, I switched to furious and unforgiving in a fraction of a second. It wasn't fair that I be treated as the monster of the story when there were, in fact, two monsters. Two monsters who should never have gotten together in the first place. It had been a mistake to even try to be exclusive, and I was going to rectify that immediately.

The Uber dropped me off and I ran up the stairs that led to the frat house. I knocked on the door frenetically until one of the frat boys opened it. I didn't bother acknowledging him. I walked past him, he was too dumbstruck to react, and made my way to the room of the one man who would understand what I needed and not disappoint me. I knocked once. No answer. I could hear some agitation and whispers downstairs. The dude who had opened the door must have started talking. I didn't care, those dumb frat boys could think whatever they wanted. I knocked a second time.

This time, Cedric opened the door. He was wearing nothing but his underwear. Perfect, that'd be much faster.

"Abby, what the—"

"Fuck me," I demanded without preamble.

I pushed him inside the room and closed the door behind us. I held onto his biceps and hoisted myself up so my lips could reach his. As soon as they did, he pulled away.

"What the fuck, Abs?"

"Fuck me," I repeated. "Please."

Even I could hear the desperation, tainted with a bit of madness, in my voice. I did not sound like a sane person.

I tried kissing him again. He let me do it for one second before pushing me away again. "What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing. I just really need mind-numbing sex right now and you're really good at that. Just, please, fuck me."


My jaw fell open. I did not expect him to refuse.

"Why not?"

"Are you kidding me? We stopped doing that months ago. You've got a boyfriend now, go ask him!"

I was pretty sure I could not call Arthur my boyfriend anymore, not that I'd ever wanted to call him so in the first place.

"I don't care. I need you. Right now. And I need it to be fast and rough." I needed it to be everything that sex with Arthur wasn't.

"I don't know what the hell happened to you but it's going to be a fat no from me, Abs."

I crossed my arms on my chest and looked at him defiantly.

"If you don't do it, I'll find somebody else who will."

"You can't be serious."

"Watch me."

I turned on my heels and exited the room, not waiting for his answer. He did not come after me.

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