Chapter 31

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"Yes. Yes, I am."

The smile on his face as I said those words was indescribable. Pure joy was all I could see. That scared me, I didn't realize that I had the power to make him so happy with something as mundane as sex. But the concerns would have to wait, I had already committed.

Arthur's lips found mine again, his hands found my waist, and he slowly steered us to the bed. As we reached its edge, I spun us around and made him lie on his back while I climbed on top of him.

We kissed some more, my mouth occasionally drifting to his neck but never to his ear, as it seemed to be something that made him freeze. He tentatively kissed my neck a few times, and went as low as my collarbone, but never lower.

"Erm . . ." I asked tentatively, "How would you feel about biting me?"

He looked extremely confused. "What do you mean?"

"Instead of kissing my neck, would you mind biting it? Gently, I mean."

"But why?"

I sighed. "Forget it."

He didn't comment and resumed kissing my lips and my neck. I wanted more. More intensity, more passion, more teeth. Just more. I didn't want romantic kissing, I wanted the kind of kissing that made me forget where I was.

I leaned back, sitting on my heels, and took off my top in front of a surprised Arthur.

"Sit up," I instructed him, and because he was well-mannered, he did it. His mouth was leveled with my nipples. Perfect.

"Would you, erm . . ." God was it awkward to talk specifics. "Would you be able to suck on my nipples? Or just kiss my breasts, maybe?"

I cringed. When you said it out loud, it sounded terrible.

Arthur had a horrified look. "Abril, I—"


"I can touch them?" He suggested, instead.

I hid my disappointment and I accepted. It was better than nothing.

He placed his hands on my breasts. He surprised me when he took my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, gently rolling them in every direction. I felt my arousal build up slowly. I moaned quietly and my hips started rocking. Arthur's gentleness was, without meaning to, teasing me. I wanted more, and he wasn't giving it to me. If he wasn't so clueless, it could have passed for a wicked dom move.

But he was clueless, and I had no desire to be left hanging again, so I took matters into my own hands. More specifically, I took my boobs into my own hands, putting them over his. I sandwiched his fingers between mine and pinched harder on my nipples, making it feel almost like he was the one pinching me. The sharp pain had its intended effect. I threw my head back and closed my eyes, ready to enjoy it to its fullest.

But then Arthur decided it was too much for him and he removed his hands, cutting my moment short.

I did my best to keep face and I picked another angle. Maybe he just needed to be more aroused to try new things.

I pushed him back to a lying position and bent down with him, my chest on his. I kissed his lips, then his jaw, then his neck. I settled near his collarbone for a while, to get him used to the sensation and to prepare him for my imminent descent.

When he relaxed under my lips, I continued my travel south. I stopped just above his right nipple, considering whether I should put my mouth on it. I first thought that I shouldn't, seeing as he had refused to do the same for me and probably was just as rebutted by the idea of it being done to him, but then I figured it was a good warm-up for what I had in mind. So I kissed his pec, once, twice, and I went for the nipple.

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