Chapter 30

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Four years earlier

Unsurprisingly, the doctor told me that the three positive tests I had gotten were almost irrefutable proof that I was, indeed, pregnant. She still ran a blood test to confirm but the results would only come back a couple days later. Like Sigrid before her, she talked me through my options and explained how she, and other members of the antenatal body, could help with the process, whatever decision should I make. She also asked if "the father" was in the picture and strongly advised that I talk to him when I said that he was very much in the picture.

Sigrid drove me back home while I thought of a way to tell "the father." This word resonated so wrong. He was not a father, he was a twenty-two-year-old boy. My best friend hugged me goodbye and wished me luck before dropping me off in front of my building.

Josh's eyes lit up when I came through our front door.

"Bloody hell, Abby! Where have you been? I was so worried, I kept calling and you didn't pick up!"

"Sorry, I was with Sigrid and I turned off my phone."

"That's okay, just, please, text me the next time you're switching off your phone so I don't worry. I was afraid something bad happened to you, especially in your state."

"What state?" I asked too abruptly. He couldn't possibly know.

"Well, you know, you've been off for the past couple days. I'm trying my best to respect your boundaries but that doesn't mean I'm not aware something's wrong."

I inhaled longer than necessary to gather my strength and give me courage.

"Come and sit with me on the couch."

He did not ask why and followed me onto the couch. I grabbed his hands and squeezed them hard.

"What is it, love?" He sounded anxious.

"I love you. You know that, right?"

"Of course I know! And I love you, too. No matter what. You can tell me anything."

I squeezed his hands even harder and looked up at him, determined.

"Corazón," I marked a pause for suspense – and because I was very nervous. "I'm pregnant."

He tried really hard to hide it but I saw the shock on his face. It lasted one second, then he shook it off and embraced me. The safe haven of his arms brought tears to my eyes. Again. I had cried on and off since finding out I was pregnant. If that's what pregnancy hormones did to you, I was not looking forward to experiencing nine months of it.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm—" How was I feeling? "I'm okay, I guess. I'm not sick or anything. I'm just scared shitless."

Cue more crying.

"Oh, love, you should have told me earlier. I hate to know that you've been going through that alone."

"I know, I know," I whined. "I'm so sorry, Josh. I just—I was afraid that you'd be angry at me for letting this happen."

He looked offended but, for my sake, did not tell me off for it.

"Abby, when I told you I'd help you bury a body, I meant it. Hell, I'd even bury it for you so you wouldn't get involved in the mess. I'm certainly not going to run off because of an unexpected pregnancy. And you didn't let anything happen, we both clearly made a mistake somewhere."

By lack of words to express my gratitude, I kissed him softly, insufflating all my love in my lips.

"Do you have any idea how it might have happened?" He inquired after breaking the kiss.

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