Chapter 47

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Mils was right behind Arthur and let out a yelp when she assessed the situation. It did look incriminating but come on! It was funny more than anything, they couldn't possibly think there was anything weird going on, could they?

"Spencer, give me your sister and go to your room," Mils commanded.

He did not need to be asked twice and fled the scene. So did Arthur, after mumbling something that sounded like "I can't believe it."

I ran after him, but Mils stepped into the doorframe to block my way.

"Don't you think you should at least put a shirt on?" She said, venom oozing from every single pore of her skin.

Furious, I slipped into the shirt that was wrapped around my torso, not giving a rat's ass about her seeing my tits. She clicked her tongue disapprovingly when she saw my piercings.

She noticed what shirt I had put on and barred my way again. With her arm, this time.

"Stay away from my son," she threatened.

I looked her up and down, biting my tongue very hard. I took the high road and did not engage in a verbal fight. She was defending her kid after all. I did, however, shoulder with more force than necessary on my way out the room.

I found Arthur pacing like a maniac in the backyard.

"It's impossible. It's impossible. It's impossible," he was repeating tirelessly. His hands were in his hair, running through it in frenzy.

When he spotted me, his trajectory changed and he marched straight towards me.

"I can't believe you did that to me. Again!" He shrieked, pointing an accusatory finger at me.

"Arthur, listen, this is just—"

"With my nephew! He's just turned eighteen, he's barely legal!"

"It's not what—"

"And in front of Jamie! She's fifteen months old, for God's sake, she's a baby!"

"Arthur, seriously, will you listen to me?"

But he was not in a place to listen. He was in a place to spiral and hurt himself as well as others. And boy did he manage to do it.

"What's your angle, Abril? Are you planning to fuck your way through my whole family tree?"

I slapped him in the face so hard I made his lip bleed. I wasn't even sorry. He couldn't tell me he loved me one minute, and the next say such horrible things to me.

The slap hurt my hand, I had to rub the sting away. Then my eyes started to burn. I could feel them. The tears. They were coming.

And they came. Slow at first, one drop after the other, then it was a torrent coursing down my cheeks. I was so hurt, so enraged, so disgusted by Arthur's words. He finally took one look at me and his whole face morphed into something else. The anger was gone in less than a second, replaced by concern.

He licked the blood off his lip with the tip of his tongue and took a step closer to me. When he tentatively wrapped his arms around me, I didn't push him away. It's quite ironic how, in life, the person who can hurt you the most is also the person you want to go to for comfort when you are in pain. I hated Arthur's guts for saying that to me, and yet I loved the feeling of his embrace. I was pathetic.

"This is the first time you cry for me," he said while placing a kiss on the crown of my head.

I looked up. He had not just said that. "No, it's not, you fucking idiot!"

His jaw dropped, and not because I had insulted him. "What do you mean?"

This time, I did pull away from his embrace. His arms fell limply to his sides.

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