Chapter 9 - Plan

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After the position of Mizunashi Rena got leaked to the organization by the transmitter planted in the bombs, the FBI decided to move her at more safest place where the organization cannot reach. Akai gave his suggestion on how to move Mizunashi Rena without alerting the organization's members.

"It's true. This could easily deceive them." James was convinced with Akai's idea.

"Well, that would be the objective." Akai replied.

"The question now is who is to drive the the car with Mizunashi Rena?" Wondered James.

"That's true. If they discover us and find ourselves in a position in which we need to lose them, we need someone who can take action in any situation. Someone who knows the area and has good driving technique."

"That would be you, Akai-kun." Akai was the first person James thought. "You're the only one we have."

"No. I'd prefer not no." Akai immediately refused. "The first check they'll make is to see which car I'm in."

"In that case..."

"I will." A voice suddenly interrupted."For this, it has to be me, right?"

A rather hulking man volunteering himself for the task. James was familiar with that face as the man was disposed the bomb with Jodie.

"The one who disposed off the bomb for us, Camel-kun, huh?"

"I think he's the right one as well." Jodie agreed to let Camel drive the car with Mizunashi Rena after she witnessed Camel's driving skill.

James nodding his head hearing the consent from Jodie.

"Fear of death is worst than death itself. No fear." Akai glanced at Camel.

"I've been prepared from death from the start. I have no family to mourn my passing anyway."

"Well then, it's time to start with the preparations."



James and Camel in the underground parking lot , with Camel is ready to start his mission.

"Then, Camel-kun. We're counting on you. You're the key to us failing or succeeding."

"Yeah. I understand."

Camel open the car's door after James went away from the parking lot.

"Wait!" Jodie came out from the dark and confronted Camel. "That car, cannot be entrusted to you after all."

Jodie was suspicious of Camel. It can't be helped. Agent Camel said that he don't have any family but it was contrast when he introduced himself before.

"I'm Andre Camel."
"Sorry, I have a call from my wife right now."

"Will you switch with me?" Jodie didn't want to take any risks to let a suspicious person drive the car with Mizunashi Rena it it. "I know the route."

"I don't really mind, but won't this upset the boss?" Replied Camel while handing the car's key to Jodie.

Jodie snatched the key. "More importantly, I have a few questions-ugh!"

A fist landed on her stomach made her strength left her body and immediately, she lost her consciousness.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

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