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H-Hello, I'm B-Bambi, I am a 2 Year Old Yearling Buck, I had a family at one Point in Life, but I am Alone now. What H-Happened to my family was... my momma & daddy got Shot by hunters and i dont know how to survive on my own... Plus i live in a heavily populated wolf habitat so there are very Few Whitetail Deer now...There are only 1 Mule Deer Buck, and 2 Axis Deer. There were so many whitetail deer that got killed by wolves... W-Wolves are overpopulated here in the Red Woods... T-The Wolves are looking for me b-because I'm the Big Racked Buck and they think they can Kill me. And the h-hunters are also trying to get me... I'm trying my VERY VERY Best to stay Downwind away from the wolves and h-hunters. I have only met ONE nice wolf whose name is Kirito and he is a very nice wolf. There were 2 mean w-wolves that tried to kill me.. Their Names were Unbell and Subject. My Momma always told me a wolf and a whitetail deer would NEVER make it out... But I never believed that... This is what my momma said to me before she got K-Killed...

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