Part 4- Kirito/Bambi Speech

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"Hello, Little Deer... I'm Kirito. And you?" I was scared but I told him my name... H-Hello, I'm Bambi... Kirito was like: "Nice to meet you, Bambi. Where is your Mother and Father?" I was kind of Hesitat, to say anything, but I told him... My Momma, just got Killed in Front of me by Hunters... And my Daddy, got shot Yesterday... I'm just a Fawn. I can't Protect myself... I might just lay here to Die. I don't know what to do... Than Kirito, and I were Talking and Kirito, was like: "No, don't do that! Maybe, I could stay woth you, Bambi? I don't even Eat Meat, unless it means Wolves, trying to Kill my Friends, than they will see my Dark Side. But overall, I'm a very VERY Protective Wolf. Get some Sleep. Okay, Bambi? Everything will be better tommorrow, okay?" I was Like Okay... I saw no Harm in this Wolf whatsoever. Kirito, was telling my some Stories, about his Life. Kirito's, Family died too... But NOT how mine did. Kirito, was like: "My Mother died because she was REALLY REALLY Sick, she died because of Rabies... My Dad, was an Alpha, of a Wolf Pack. My Father, got Killed by a Really BIG Whitetail, Buck. And the Buck had a Son named, Bambi?" My Eyes, got big and I lifted my Head quickly making Eye Contact, with Kirito, and I was like "Bambi?" Kirito, looked down at me and was like: Yes, Bambi... It was your Daddy... He KILLED my Father! It was hard for me because that's ALL I had left!... And I'm sure my Father, wasn't trying to harm your Daddy..." I looked at him Furious (mad) They were trying to KILL my Daddy!! I watched them!! What do you mean: "They didn't mean to HARM?" Kirito! my Daddy, was my LAST DAD!! And your FATHERS Pack, tried to take that from me!! I CAN'T forgive, your FATHER!! I was all Worked up and Upset because of everything. At this Point I never wanted to Talk to Kirito, again! I Walked off and sat on a Ledge of a Mountain, I looked down and Fear (scared) ran through me. Than I looked up at the Sky, crying. Wishing Momma & Daddy, was still here... Kirito, followed me because he knew that something was going to happen. Kirito was like: "Bambi, I am sorry, about this. I know how much you want you Momma and Daddy, here right now. And honestly your Momma and Daddy sound good Parents. But no Animal lives Forever... You might not Understand, now but you will as you grow into a Big Strong Whitetail, Buck... Your Momma and Daddy are always with you in your Heart! And looking over you, Bambi!!"  I understood where he was coming from. Yes, all Animals, don't live Forever. But my Momma and Daddy, could have lived a Longer Life than THAT... But Years Passed... As I was a Stronger Whitetail Buck now... Only 2 Years Old... The Month came of the Rut witch is in the Period, Middle October to early December, That's when a lot of Hunters will be out... But I met this Doe, her name was Rosic. She liked me and I liked her... But I sensed another Buck Around... And  that's when I saw this HUGE Buck come out of the Brush, that looked like my Daddy... I Grunted and that was a Warning Call, to the other Buck... That Buck, came closer and closer... That's when he was getting a little TOO close to Rosic. I Lowered my Head and was about to Fight Him. He also Lowered his Head.. We came up and Fought for Rosic. He did not Last more than 10 MINUTES at MOST! Fighting with me. I won. Both the Buck and I looked at Each other... I said: "Nice to see you again... Luke... Luke was like...

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