Part 6-Move out

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It was the Next Day, and Rosic and Kirito, was already up in the Wintermint Field... Where Momma, had Died... I stepped out into the Field, and came up behind Rosic, without Kirito, knowing and was like: Psst... Rosic? I need you to come into the Red Woods now! She turned to look at me Startled. What Bambi? I trying to Eat! Please, you go eat to! I stared into her Ocean Blue, Eyes. I shook my Head. Rosic! You're going to get Killed if you don't come with me! She looked over at me with her Pupils, Dilated in Fear (scared). What about Kirito? We can't just leave him, Bambi!! I know! get him and come on NOW! There is no Time! Okay, whatever. Kirito, come on now! We need to go with Bambi, into the Red Woods! Okay, Rosic. I'm coming! I'm right behind you! They both ran into the Brush, and was waiting for me. Bambi! What are you doing standing, there! You're the one who wanted us to get out of the Wintermint, field!! I ignored, Kirito. I seen the Hunters, sitting on the Ground. I stood there, and they were Raising the Gun, to shoot me. The shot there Little Gun, and I dodged the Bullet. I Grunted, and Bolted. "Why did you miss that Buck bro!? He's the Son, of the Buck we shot 4 Years ago! He is a HUGE sonofagun!" We need to move, out Kirito and Rosic! We need a whole new Bedding Zone! (place to stay) Why Bambi!? WHY do we "NEED" to move? Rosic, you don't understand! This Area and Field is Hella, not safe for any of us! I'm doing this because I don't want to loose either of You! I looked over to Kirito, staring at me. Than I looked back over to Rosic. I care about you both. I can't loose you guys to... Let's head over to the Corn Field, okay guys? Fine, Bambi. I looked over to Kirito. Let's, just go Rosic... My ears went back, remembering Bambi's past. Okay, Kirito... {They make it to the Corn field} We're here guys... Go on and Eat. I'll just Bed, down here. I sighed. Kirito, walked into the Corn Field, aand their was a Carcuss, from a Coyote. He went over and started to Eat it. I watched him. My mind, was telling me that he was Attractive. his Fur Shimmers in the Sun, He is a very strong Wolf, he's not scared of anything, his eye's are like Gold, but better. I admired him. Hey, um, Bambi? I quickly, turned around to see Rosic, standing behind me. Hey, what's up Rosic? I stood up. Why where you admiring  Kirito? I- I wasn't Rosic! My Face turned Pale, because I was Embarrassed. She Sighed. Okay... Well you get some Sleep, okay? I'm going to go Bed, Down also. I Pretty Tired. Okay, Rosic, thats fine. I Exhaled. She went and Bedded Down. I looked back over to Kirito, and he was walking over here. Hey, Bambi! I'm gonna lay down, also! I chuckled. Okay, Kirito. He smiled, at me. Than I laid my Head down and fell Asleep.

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