Part 5-Luke/Bambi/Rosic/Kirito Speech

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Nice to see you again.. Bambi... I'm here for the Doe. No, Luke. Rosic, likes me not YOU! Now SKRAMBLE, or else... Luke, was like: Or else what? Huh, Bambi? So what if you're "Dominant" Whitetail, Buck? Your Parents, arn't here to Protect you anymore. Are they? I was like: DON'T EVEN TALK ABOUT MY PARENTS, LUKE! I AM DONE WITH YOUR SHIT! This is the End... Of your Goofy Ass! Rosic, was like: Luke, go away.. NOW! Literally, no one wants you here. Now Scramble... Luke, was like: Shut, the Hell up, Rosic! For you... Bambi... You're NOT Strong enough to stop Me... Now you Scramble... Bambi!... Let me have, Rosic! I lowered my Head, to Charge at Luke, and soon enough Kirito, popped out of nowhere... And Pounced, on Luke... He was like: "GET OUT OF HERE YOU LITTLE, SCUMBAG! AND LEAVE ROSIC AND BAMBI, ALONE! Now get out of here. Or I'll Rip you to Shreds. Just as I did your Brother! Luke, started to Panic. Luke, was like: AH WOLF! Why are YOU Protecting, Bambi!? Aren't you Supposed to Eat, Deer? And I'm not Leaving... Until... I get Rosic... Oh please, You would not Kill, Me? Kirito, said: "I don't Eat Meat, Little SKUMBAG! But I suggest you LEAVE before you turn into MY Dinner! I'll Tare you to Shreds, before you can say "Help me" Luke, was always Refusing to leave Rosic... So that's when Kirito, stuck his Teeth, into Lukes Neck... Luke said: HEL- M-me... I Chuckled and said thats what Luke, gets.. Kirito, was like: "I told you to get, Lost. And you never took the Hint. So you got what you APPERNTLY wanted, a Bite to the Neck..." That's when I went up to Luke, because he was not Fully, Dead... I told him You should have Taken the Warning call from Kirito. I'd Whisper, in his Ear. Don't mess with me EVER EVER again... Before, Luke, died all the way his last Words were: "I- will be b-back" Rosic, was so confused over a Wolf protecting me... So she started asking lots of Questions.. Bambi? A Wolf? Protect you? From LUKE? How did you guys meet? Will he Hunt Us? Will he EAT us? WHAT? I looked into her, Stunning Blue, Eyes that is as Bright as the Sky, and Shining like Diamonds. Rosic, this is Kirito. What you just seen was, him protecting me from Luke. And we by him coming to my Bedding Zone, where my Momma & Daddy stayed with as a Fawn... And no, he won't hurt us. But yes, he will Hurt Animals. That try to Hurt us. He is a VERY nice Wolf, though! He protected me, and helped, me Survive all my Life. And I'm happy with him being Around. I looked at him, and Smiled.

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