Part 3-Daddy/Bambi/Momma Speech

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"Son, like your Momma said if anything happens to me, I want you to know that I love you a lot Son and I hope you live a good long life... In Case something were to happen, I want you to know me and your momma love you so so much... And If you Ever and I mean EVER Hear a Grunt Call go to it and if you see no other buck you better get the hell out of there Because it's no Buck... It's a Human being foolish acting like one, so you can step infront of them and get shot. Now Son... If you can find a doe to settle with go on ahead  Just keep your Head and Eyes up at all times my Sweet boy... I love you Lots!" I said "okay" to my Daddy and bedded down for the night. the next Day I was awoke to the sound of a gunshot ringing through the woods and I went over to see my Daddy laying on the ground dead as a Mouse in a Mousetrap... I saw the Hunters excited about my Daddy's Rack and Meat... I saw the hunters field dress him (gutting him)Witch traumatized me and made me sadder than Sad. My Momma, was crying and so was I... That Night my Momma said "B-Bambi... I am so SO very sorry about your Daddy, and that you had to Watch all that... I am Sad also, and so are you... I understand... But we still have to get up Early in the Morning to Eat..." I said"Okay, Momma..." My Momma was up all Night long trying to keep watch for Wolves and hunters. Then that Morning came around and I was still Thinking about my Daddy... And so was Momma of Course. We went out into the Wintermint Field to Eat. There were a Few other Whitetails grazing, then out of nowhere "BOOM" my Momma drops to the Ground. I tried to Nudge her a Little bit but she did not move... My Momma's last Words were "Baby, Bambi...PLEASE get out of Here! I don't want you to get Shot too..." She Started to Mumble. "I- Love you Bam-bi..." I saw my Momma Bleed to Death. It made me Cry. I laid Right next to her till her Last Breath... And that was that, She just Died right in Front of me... I saw the Hunters Walk up excitedly saying: "YES! WE GOT ANOTHER ONE!" I did not know what to think so I just laid there and sobbed.... The Hunters said: "Scramble Fawn now! Or we will take you too!" I got up and ran into the Brush, where the Hunters could not see me... I watched them Field Dress my Momma, and I ran into the Woods Crying. I lay in my Bed Zone, where my Momma & Daddy used to lay with me. That's when Kirito came along and saved me from the MEAN Wolves. Kirito, was like...

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