Part 2: Mommas/Bambi Speech

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Bambi? Listen to me okay my Darling? Please if anything happens to me while you are still a fawn do NOT hang around Wolves!... If they see you... You better Run and go downwind fast, you understand my dear? I want you to do what's right... I want you to live a long life. A Wolf would Kill you in a matter of seconds if they spotted you... Now my Sweet Baby Boy, I love you so so much. My Daddy told me some things about Hunters and Wolves. My Daddy was attacked by a pack of wolves but he made it out with some Scrapes and wounds, but not Bad ones. He killed the alpha wolf with his HUGE Rack, and all the other wolves fled to safety. My Daddy was Strong, Attentive, Alert, Calm, and wanted to always Protect me. He wanted what was Right for me too... He came to me a day before his death and said...

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