//chapter 11\\

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//Baylee's POV\\

I woke up with Ethan's arms wrapped around me and I just felt completely safe. When he breathed his breath went down the back of my neck and it sent shivers down my spine. And when his chest rose up and down his abs pushed against my rib cage.

Wow this boy drives me crazy. I snuggled back into him and fell back asleep.

//Grayson's POV\\

I woke up and immediately the memories of last night crept into my mind. Ethan with his arms wrapped around Bay, the way they were breathing in synch.

It made me sick.

I decided to go downstairs in the basement and have a little fun.

I walked into the basement and turned on every single light in the basement. I blasted Pound The Alarm by Nicki Minaj and banged some pots and pans together, blew on a whistle and yelled "RISE AND SHINE SUNSHINES!!!" over and over again.

"GRAYSON SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!! I'M UP!!! STOP BANGING THOSE FUCKING POTS TOGETHER AND STOP BLOWING ON THAT FUCKING WHISTLE BEFORE I FUCKING SHOVE IT DOWN YOUR FUCKING THROAT!!!" Baylee screamed at me. Ethan looked astonished and his mouth was wide open. Baylee looked at him and gave him a 'what the hell are you looking at' look. Ethan just shook his head and looked away.

"God damn. We have a feisty one here." I said. Baylee just rolled her eyes and flipped me off and pulled the blankets back over her.

"I'm guessing that she's not a morning person." I said. Ethan just gave me a 'are you kidding me' look.

"ANYWAYS!" I screamed. I started banging the pots together and I played Nicki Minaj again. "GET UP BAY BAY!!!" I screamed in her ear. She gave me the death stare and threw the covers off of her making sure to hit me in the face with them.

"I'm. Up." Baylee said, obviously pissed.

"OKAY. ETHAN GET UP BUDDY!!!" I screamed slapping his head.

"Bro I'm up. God." He said just a bit happier than Baylee.

"Alright Ethan you go upstairs and get ready then when you get back, Baylee it is then your turn to go get ready." I said clapping my hands together excitedly.

"Um why can't we get ready at the same time?" Ethan asked.

"Because I -" Baylee cut me off

"Yeah I agree with Eth. I could just go to my house and get ready.." She said confused.

"NO!!" I said scaring both of them, this has to be perfect

"Ok then..... I'll go get ready I guess.." Ethan said, questioning the idea.

Ethan walked up the stairs making sure to pound every stair on the way up making Baylee and I cringe with every pound.

//Baylee's POV\\

As Ethan walked - wait no pounded - up the stairs Grayson and I cringed with every step.

When Ethan was done with his pounding I found Gray staring at me. I looked away and I could still see him staring at me so intently out of the corner of my eye. I finally decided to look at him. I looked at him straight in the eyes. A smirk grew on his face and it felt like he was looking into my deepest secrets, figuring every little secret I've ever kept.

I looked away. I was scared.

"I win." He said with a smirk.

"I didn't know this was a game.." I said avoiding eye contact.

"It wasn't. Baylee I feel like there is something that you're not telling me." he said staring deep into my eyes, again.

Why should I tell him?? He already knows the answer.

"I've told you everything..." I said. "Why are you asking??"

"I just want to know you." He said.

"Oh wow ok I-" I got cut off by obnoxious banging on the front door.

"What the hell?" I said running upstairs with Grayson right behind me. I got upstairs and saw Ethan looking out the window.

"Did anyone order a bunch of pissed men who look like former prisoners??" Ethan asked.

"What the actual fuck?" I said looking out the window.

"Who are these guys Baylee?" Grayson asked me.

"How the fuck would I know?" I sassed back.

"Maybe we should answer it.." Ethan said.

"Ethan, no this is dangerous. We don't even know who they are." I said grabbing his hand and searching his eyes for an answer. He just squeezed my hand sending me a wave of reassurance then he let go and went to the door.

"Gray c'mon." Ethan said motioning Gray towards him. Grayson walked over and opened the door.

The big burly guy spoke first.

"Hi do you happen to know where Baylee Hughes is?"

Oh shit.

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