chapter eight

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Drake, 21 Savage — Hours in Silence

Mya sat scrolling on her phone as notifications came in from the pictures she'd recently posted on her story. She'd been by herself for most of the day since Sade and Erin have both been monopolizing Quest's time since his birthday party. She guess they felt they felt threatened since when it came to matters concerning Solana, he was using Mya instead of one of them. It didn't bother her too much, Quest always came to check on her or sleep in her room with her. She was just bored, she was always bored.

Her phone vibrated in her hand, since she had been staring off into space causing it to lock. She looked down, looking at the Instagram notification letting her know that Solana had direct messaged her. Her eyebrows raised slightly, she didn't think Solana would contact her willingly. They were cool prior to her leaving and she figured the only reason she was nice to her at Quest's birthday was because she was tipsy.

Mya bit her lip as she thought about the night of Quest's birthday. Gemini had the softest lips and she can remember feeling like he stuck his tongue down her throat. She'd used her vibrator countless of times thinking about him and how Solana was controlling Quest. It was her fantasy to be dominated by all three of them. If only .. she sighed as her thoughts trailed off. She finally focused back on the fact that Solana had DM'd her.

MO.MONEYMYAG one hour ago

solonawalls you so pretty mya 💕

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solonawalls you so pretty mya 💕

mo.moneymyag thank you baby

solanawalls wyd today?

mo.moneymyag nothinggg .. im at the house by my lonely rn.

solanawalls let's chill

mo.moneymyag alright send me your location

Not even a minute later, Solana sent her current location to Mya's phone and Mya got up from her bed. She grabbed her blonde hair up into a bun and changed out of the lounge clothes. The leggings and sweatshirt she had on felt sufficient enough to go see Solana. She felt like she never looked regular in anything she wore. She grabbed her phone and purse and walked out of her room. She traveled through the massive house to the garage, hopping in the Spyder. Music automatically started playing as she turned the car on and pressed the button to open the garage. She sent a quick message to Solana letting her know that she was on the way before she pulled out the driveway.

The drive to downtown Atlanta was filled with Mya singing to her playlist. She was in a better mood because she actually had someone to spend time with. She'd lived a lonely life up until this point. She was the only child to her father who cared more about his illegal businesses than her and her mother died when she was a little girl. She was always classified as a nuisance and her father gave her money to placate her and get her out of his face as she grew up. She fell for Quest because he was the only person who treated her with genuine niceness in her life. When her father basically sold her to him, she was excited to finally be around someone who she thought genuinely cared for her. And Quest did care for Mya. He changed her life in a matter of years and she would be forever grateful for that.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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