
749 17 6

You wake up, alone on your bed

(Y/N): "Good, she's gone................She's gone! Fuck!"

Jumping up from the bed, you contact George

(Y/N): "George, has a Siren been around here?"

George: "Besides the one that was in your room? No."

(Y/N): "Do you know where she went?"

George: "She left."

(Y/N): "Did she steal anything?"

George: "....Nope."

(Y/N): "Are you sure?"

George: "2%."

(Y/N): "I'm going to upgrade the supply pads and reactors."


[Supply pad upgraded]

(Y/N): "Now to wait an eternity for everything else."

George: "Admiral."

(Y/N): "George."

George: "Your girlfriend is back."

(Y/N): "I don't....*processing* Are you talking about Observer Alpha?"

Edinburgh: "There you are master, I was looking for you." She said, sounding sad/disappointed/irritated

(Y/N): "Edinburgh....what's wrong?"

Edinburgh: "I made you breakfast and it got cold/went to waste while I was looking for you."

(Y/N): "I'm sorry Edinburgh, let me make it up to you."

Edinburgh: "That won't be needed, I just need to be a better maid for my master."

She begins to walk away, only for you to stop her, making her face you

(Y/N): "Please, there must be something that you want."

Edinburgh: "W-well.....👉👈 c-can you hold me the way you did when we were fly?"

(Y/N): 'So cute!'


Ardent Prayer: " not understand what is going on. We were winning, then everything went black, now I'm here."

Savannah: "We're near Earth."

Ardent Prayer: "Earth? The humans home planet. Why?"

Savannah: "I myself am unsure, I followed your Banshees to see if you knew."

Ardent Prayer: "......Should we land or...."

Savannah: "Maybe...."

[Timeskip to them landing]

The two ships look at each other

Ardent Prayer: "Once the day is over, we are back to enemies."

-[Random marine stragglers]-

Three injured marines were running from their Covenant pursuers

Prvt.Clancy(R): "This is Prvt.Clancy of....gah... of Fireteam Gama, requesting evac."

They stop to push the Covenant back a bit

Pilot (R): "I can't pick you up without knowing your location, you think you can pop a flare?"

Injured marine (2): "Don't do it, let find somewhere safe first."

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