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⋆ ★ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐⋆ ★

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⋆ ★ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐⋆ ★

Kyrell Argyros sat with Elizabeth Williams stood next to him as they watched an old man playing the piano next to a large water fountain in the centre of New Orleans. Some stopped to watch him and took pictures before leaving to walk by other attractions and restaurants but the two vampires were on a hunt.

Kyrell sat on the water fountain with his piercing eyes trailing over the crowds in search of something whilst the woman he was with had her eyebrows furrowed with her arms folded. The man clad in a suit nudged Elizabeth with his arm she looked down at him and followed where his gaze was attracted to.

They were travelers and they were not alone as one human who had messy black hair followed after them into a cafe, it was dark out but the windows were all glass- giving them a perfect view of the inside.

Kyrell stood from the fountain and took out a hundred dollar bill from his pocket before placing it in the hat on top of the piano and took out some coins from the old man's hat. Elizabeth stood beside him with narrowed eyes they were a few yards away from the cafe as they stared with narrowed eyes.

He tossed the money in his hand before throwing them gently, as if he were trying to skip rocks on the water, but the gentle force managed to smashed the glass open and shards now coated the pavement. People screamed in fear and ran from the cafe with their heads covered but the old man playing the piano took a moment to pause and look at the scene before pressing the keys once more- in a sinister melody.

The two vampires accompanied by the bearded man were curled up on the floor with pieces of glass sticking out of their bodies. Elizabeth sped over to them and grabbed the two immortals by the neck, they let out strangled screams as she took them from the floor and snatched them into the darkness.

Kyrell walked tauntingly slow towards the crippled human on the floor with his shoes crunching the glass underneath him he peered down at the shaggy haired man. He crouched down and gripped his jaw in a tight manner that made the man groan out in agony as Kyrell's nails dug themselves into his flesh.

"Trying to form a coven against me Ray," he tutted and sighed as he looked up to the ceiling with no emotion in his eyes. "Where is it?" He glowered to the cowering body on the floor who kept his eyelids clamped shut.

"I- I don't know," Ray whispered though he regretted the words as soon as they left his lips for he felt Kyrell's stare branding him like a hot iron.

His grip on his jaw tightened and the vampire sighed  tiredly before nodding his head in an unconvinced way, "so we're going to have to do this the hard way." He shrugged his shoulders in an unbothered manner before moving his hand to Ray's neck and lifting him from the floor making the human cry out as the glass dug further into his side.

Kyrell's eyes turned from a deep red to black as he held Ray against the wall with a deathly hand around his throat. "One last time, where is the stake," his words were curt and low as his patience was being tested.

"They wouldn't tell me!" The human pleaded with desperation but Kyrell simply groaned in annoyance and shook his head. "I swear it! I- I was just the messenger- they wouldn't te-"

The Greek twitched his head to the side and Ray's words fell dead to his ears as his neck snapped with a sickening crack. Kyrell dropped the body to the floor with a careless toss and clenched his jaw in anger. He needed to fine the stake and soon if it fell into the hands of his enemies it would end in his families death- he couldn't allow that.

Hearing Elizabeth appear behind him he looked to her with a hint of hope in his face but it was shut down with a disappointed look in her countenance. "This is getting ridiculous," she muttered and grabbed a napkin from a table to wipe the blood off of her hands.

"We must remain patient see if Antonette has had any luck." She took her phone from her back pocket but before she could dial the number the brunette had already called them first.

"Did you find anything?" Elizabeth asked impatiently forgetting her manners and wanting answers.

Kyrell could hear what Antonette was saying from her side, "I did in fact."

He sped over and snatched the phone from her hands and placed it by his ear, ignoring the vexed look that was upon Elizabeths face.


He heard the sound of limbs ripping before she spoke, "my so very useful source told me that one of the covens you are quite close to are responsible for this."

A dark shadow casted itself over Kyrell as his eyes narrowed and the table he was staring at started to form cracks from his glare. "Which one," he gritted out with his hands shaking in anger as he held onto the phone.

"The cullens," the table splintered and broke in half whilst Elizabeth and Kyrell looked to one another with infuriated shock.

"They are lying!" He shouted down the phone with his chest heaving for useless breath, "my Carlisle would never."

"But what if they're not?" Antonette spoke in a gentle voice as she did not want to anger him any further. "They sent you an invite you know, to a wedding, it would be a perfect opportunity for them to strike us all down."

Kyrell shook his head in denial whoever his friend had captured was spewing lies, lies that he would not fall a victim to. It couldn't be true could it?

He looked to Elizabeth who held a look of unknown on her face as she bit her fingernails in anxiousness. "We're going to go to that wedding and I'll prove to you that they are innocent," he was about to hang up the phone when she intervened once more.

"And if they're not?"

He didn't need to answer as he didn't wish to say the words that could be potentially true but the woman he was stood next to said them in place of him, "then they will die screaming."

 𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐒 𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐑 (𝖳. 𝖣𝖤𝖭𝖠𝖫𝖨)Where stories live. Discover now