One: The Mountain

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"Stasi." I lowered the bottle of medicine I was holding and glanced toward the door. It was still early afternoon but Riley knew I didn't like visitors before dinner time. I placed it on the table before cracking my knuckles on the way to the door.

I opened the door to see my best friend holding a basket. "Hi friend." I greeted before gesturing to the basket.

"The herbs arrived early so I used my spare funds to get you yours. Do you have seven coins?" I gave her a wry look but was secretly grateful she did this. 

"Why didn't you come get me?"

"I know how much you dread shopping. Besides, tonight is the full moon. I know you'll be heading to the mountain for the view."

I smiled. "Of course, come in. Let me grab you those coins."

Riley followed me in and made her way to her usual chair she sat in when she came to my one roomed home. It was the smallest home and farthest from the main part of the village but I enjoyed every bit.

I opened my desk drawer and grabbed seven coins. "Thank you."

"Go enjoy the views."

I nodded at her and she smiled. "Mom wants you to come for dinner tomorrow, I told her you'd come." The family that claimed me when no one else would and saved my life. I would do anything for them.

"Of course."

She waved before closing the door behind her. I glanced in the basket to see all the herbs I needed to restock my collection. I placed them all in their jars up on my shelves before blowing out all the candles and closing the windows.

Riley knew me well. I was headed up the mountain tonight, but not for the same reason she's always thought. I glanced down at my hands, on the night of the full moon, I can practice magic.

In my tiny village, it would be worry some if the others knew. All they know is that I'm an orphan who worked my way out, runs their own business, and lives alone. It's been that way for hundreds of years.

I befriended Riley and her family. I befriended the merchants at the market. But no one can know.

Which is why I make this long journey by myself in solitude. I patted my bag that had some bread, fruit, and water, reminding myself to eat when I made it to the top. The small blanket over my shoulder and large coat kept me warm every time, my basket of herbs on my other shoulder.

When I had reached the top of the small mountain, the moon had risen above the horizon into view. I found the thirty minute walk peaceful.

I sat on the blanket and ate, feeling the energy grow in my bones. It was hard to not feel the pull of the full moon. I sound crazy but ever since I've discovered my connection to the full moon, my powers have grown stronger.

I don't know why I get this odd power on full moons. My blood also has healing properties for plants but who knows if that's my blood or the nutrients within. I shook my head, focus Stasi.

My bag held all my other materials and I got out the bowls to make some of my special healing medicines. When the moon reached the halfway point in the sky, I felt my fingertips vibrate and knew it was time.

This inner part of me takes over and I let it. I mumbled the usual mixing and creation spells that I had dreamt one night, many years ago, and let my magic flow.

Within a few hours, I had created over a dozen new medicines for the next moon cycle. I laid down, moving my bag as a pillow and stared at the moon. I had almost considered the moon a friend of mine, a silent one.

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