Three: The Walk

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"I haven't had my hair braided like this in years." I looked up at him, examining the braid, as I brought him some more broth for lunch.

"Your hair was so tangled and messy, I had to clean and organize it. Less maintenance while I focused on your injuries."

I handed him the bowl. "I have to head into the village and grab some more supplies. But I'll be back this afternoon, please stay inside."

He looked up from the bowl. "Until we figure out who you are, you have to stay indoors."

He nodded in agreement. "Keep resting, drink the broth, take the medicine, and maybe when I get back you'll know who you are."

"Thanks Stasi."

I nodded. "I'll get some clothes for you." I grabbed my basket and headed out, slipping through the protection spell easily. I had to go see Riley first.



The door closed behind her, and I sighed, looking at my surroundings again. I was somewhere in the northern territory. Stasi seemed harmless though.

I rose to my feet and examined my injuries she had taken care of the last few days. She was good at what she did, I couldn't argue there. 

What was a healer like her living in a small village? She'd make a life for herself being a healer for the kingdom.

I continued to walk around her small home. She seemed to have boughten my lies about now knowing who I was. But how could I tell her I was from the south? How could I tell her who I was?

Not until I recovered. Then I would leave. 

Which leaves me to my other matter, who betrayed me and left me in the northern territory to die? I felt my eyes flash yellow, my power had been impacted by the poison. Stasi said I would fully recover from that soon, but it's almost been two days.

I couldn't stay here much longer, who knows what those idiots are doing with my troops. I glanced at the armor. The raven crest staring back at me. How did she not recognize it? She has to be a couple hundred years old.

She's been stuck in this village.

I sat at her desk and opened the drawers. I could see her spare coins, medical books and papers. No recollection of her family or who she was. 

My wound on my stomach tingled and I glanced down, resting my hands over the wound, I began to heal myself but my magic was glitchy. 

There's something else here. I could sense something faint.

Who was she?



"Don't forget the festival is this weekend, no night time journeys for the quarter, you understand me?" 

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Don't worry Riley, I wouldn't miss the sugar candies or dancing."

"Good, I'll see you later."

I nodded, "See you tomorrow." 

I grabbed the last of my supplies and fresh food before slowly making my way back to my hut. I wondered if he ate any more broth or if he rested.

The afternoon sun was slowly lowering, reminding me that I needed to finish my daily tasks.

I opened my door, "Raven?" I asked, closing the door behind me.

"In here." I followed the voice to see him sitting on the floor, his back to the cot, near the fire. 

I carried my basket toward him. "Are you alright, why are you on the floor?" I knelt beside him and grabbed his wrist.

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