Five: The Northerners

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It was almost like a dream. Ravi had followed through on his promise and was gone by the time I woke up. And by two days later, I still woke up, hoping he would still be on the cot next to me. 

My hands reached at the blanket he had used and I squeezed it, thinking back. I knew he had to go, so why was I so sad about it?

A pounding on the door, made me jump. "Stasi, it's Riley, open up!" She exclaimed. 

"Riley?" I called, getting up, and jogging to the door, I opened it to see her with a worried look. 

"Where have you been, have you heard the news?"

I shook my head, "The troops are on their way, we've been told to leave."


"They want us to head north but for the healers to stay and help the northern soldiers."

I stepped outside my home. "What?"

"Quickly, grab your coat, you need to hear this." I stepped back inside to grab my coat and I jogged after her to the town hall.

The room was packed and our head was in the front. "Listen, we've been warned that southern troops are making their way north. I can't force you all to move north but I can guarantee the safer conditions."

"What about when they just keep coming north?"

"When can we come back?!"

The crowd hollered. "The healers, all seven of you have been requested to stay here and help the soldiers."

"What about families sticking together?" I heard Riley's brother.

"Men, if you volunteer to stay, you will be compensated." The person standing next to the head said. He had on a golden uniform and I noticed the moon crest on his helmet. 

The northern soldiers were already here. I felt Riley squeeze my arm. 

"Who is your best healer?" The soldier asked.

I felt Riley push me behind her. 

"The recluse." I heard across the hall. 

"No, it's my family." Riley's mom stood. "We all study medicine."

"The best is Stasi." 

I gasped. "Where is this Stasi?"

"Riley, step aside." I heard the head of our village say. I felt her tremble and step aside. 

I felt all the eyes in the hall on me. In my old rags and coat, messy hair, tired eyes.

"You are requested by the crown to remain with the soldiers."

"No." Riley's mom gasped. "She's too young."

"Move your families north. End of meeting."

I froze and felt more soldiers surround me. "Stasi." Riley cried as she got pushed away from me.

"Riley!" I called as I began to get dragged away. 

"Let go of me!" I exclaimed. I felt the bracelet around my wrist began to vibrate and the soldiers took their hands off me. 

I gasped at the feeling of magic. Some kind of protective magic. The soldiers stopped in their tracks and tried to reach for me again but they couldn't. 

"Walk." I was ordered but complied, at least their hands were off me. We were walking in the opposite direction of the village, toward the main route where I could see tents covered in the northern crest.

My feet touched the gravel and I gulped, not liking this situation.

I watched out of the corner of my eyes as the soldier behind me tried to grab me and when I jilted to the right, he missed, bouncing off, the vibration from the bracelet kicking in again.

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