Six: The Healer

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"You are healing well, your highness." I said, after checking his pulse again. The color in his face was back, he looked more comfortable, and thanks to my special creams he was no longer in pain. I knew that he was a member of the royal family and so his powers would also help him heal faster. Which is why those pain pills had an ingredient to hide my magic so that he couldn't sense it. 

It had been a full day, here in the Prince's tent. Once we arrived back yesterday, I was ordered to stay in the tent all night and tend to him. I was brought more materials and food. I got minimal sleep and followed the same process in the morning. 

I was exhausted.

Kai stood beside him while others came and talked to him. I sat there on the floor with my jars, waiting for the next moan or grunt. 

"Your Highness, the Southerners are closing in."

"How close."

"Half a day's ride, according to the scouts."

"We will beat them." He said.

"Prince Jeremy has returned."

"What!?" He exclaimed, "He had been missing almost two weeks."

"He's riding with them."

The prince groaned and I got to my feet. "Sit healer." He commanded.

So I sat back down. "Your brother is on his way."

The Prince nodded, "He can help me heal quicker."

"He should be here by nightfall."

"You are dismissed."

"Yes your highness." The other men left the tent, leaving Kai, myself, and the prince still laying down.

"I can give you some of my power." Kai told him.

He shook his head. "Healer." I stood to my feet again. "Come here." 

I walked over to him, "Do you have any stronger herbs to speed up the process?"

"Your highness, you've taken a lot of my strongest medicines, I don't want to over do it."

"She's right, your highness."

"Look at the wound again." I nodded.

I moved the newer bandage I had used this morning and saw that the swelling had changed dramatically since a few hours ago. "It's already healing." I gasped.

"I'm using my own magic to heal myself but I'm afraid it's taking a lot out of me."

"Rest your highness, I can add some more healing cream. Can we get some more water?" I asked Kai.

He glanced toward the prince who nodded. He grabbed the empty bowls and left the tent, leaving the two of us. 

The prince sat up a little and his face turned stoic. "I know you have magic, heal me, and I will keep your secret." I gasped and stepped back.

"Your highness-". He cut me off.

"Now." I nodded and walked back over to him. 

I rested my hands on the wound directly and began to whisper the same spell from yesterday. My powers were weak. "My power is weak." I told him. 

He grabbed my arm. "Now try, use my power, even if I pass out."

I nodded and tried again. It felt like liquid gold in my veins as I felt the royal energy come through my fingertips. His stomach changed from blue to yellow back to fair skin.

His grip loosened on my arm and I knew he had passed out and I was just a second behind him. I heard Kai's voice right before my body hit the ground.


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