Two: The Guest

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By the time I had finished my morning errands, cleaned myself up, and made some lunch, he was still sleeping on the floor. However, there was more color to his cheeks than hours ago.

I sat back down on the floor next to him and decided to grab another bowl and rag to help with his longer hair. I grabbed a little bit of soap that I had and began to go through his hair. I pulled out the twigs and wiped away the dirt, lightly washing and drying as I went.

His hair might have been as long as mine. After I finished cleaning, I combed, and braided his long dark hair, laying it next to him.

I could still feel the magic in my fingertips so I also decided to give him some new clothes. I snapped my fingers and got him in a new shirt and pants, his old and bloody clothes in a pile next to his armor.

He looked so clean and peaceful. I took a look at his two wounds which seemed to be doing alright. "When are you going to wake up?"

"I've done all this for you and you still sleep." I said, talking out loud, gathering my materials from around him.

"You could at least wake up and tell me your name." I opened the window to dump out the dirty water and then closed it again.

"Or at least say thank you."

"But I understand, your body is in pain, it needs to rest."

"I can't imagine the pain you're going through."

"But I promise you a good home cooked meal when you do wake up."

I heard a moan from behind me and saw his head move lightly.

"You're awake." I exclaimed, walking back over and crouching down near him. I rested my hand on his forehead to test for a fever when his eyes shot open.

He tried to sit up quickly and groaned.

"Careful, you don't want to open your wound again."

He looked down at his wrapped stomach before looking at me. "Where am I?"

"You are in my home receiving medical attention, who stabbed you?"


I nodded. "Do you know your name?" I asked.

He opened his mouth to say something but closed it. I tilted my head at him.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked, his facial expression changing.

I looked into his eyes again and shook my head. "No, are you having some memory loss? It could be from all the blood you loss." His eyes still had hints of poison in them. He was poisoned then stabbed? This poor man.

"I-I don't know."

"Well do you recognize the armor or your old clothes?" I asked. His eyes followed me across the room and he looked at the black and silver armor.

"There is a raven on the crest, do you recognize it?"

He shook his head. "Then I guess it's settled, I'll call you Raven."

He scoffed, "That's not my name."

"Well until you remember it, it will be."

"And you?"

"I'm Stasi. Welcome to my home."

"You really saved me?"

I nodded. "You were lucky I was up there watching the full moon, I used almost all my new medicines and creams to save you and bring you down the mountain."

He slowly sat up more and looked at his wrapped stomach and leg again. "Thank you." He said. "For helping me."

"I couldn't let you die." I said, standing up. "No one deserves to die like that, alone."

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