Eight: The Library

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"Do you have all the books you requested?" Ben asked, standing in my doorway.

I looked down at the pile of medicinal titles. "I believe so."

He nodded, "The prince is in meetings all day. Do not leave this room." He gestured to the invisible barrier around the door. 


I gasped. "Is he locking me in here?" I stood to my feet.

"There are Northern Messengers in the castle. He does not want to take any chances that they'll find you."

"Find me?" I asked. "Why?"

Ben nodded and closed the large door.

"Ben, wait!" I tried but he ignored me. 

My eyes were glued on the door. I can't believe he locked me in here. 

I looked around my large room. My bed, two couches, a table, and a rug that looked like I needed to lay on it.

It had only been my third day here and my mind was unraveling. It was probably for the best that Ravi was away all day. I had so many questions. Why he lied even though I understood it was to protect himself. 

Whatever poison he was given subdued his royal powers, had to be some poison. I glanced back at the books I had asked for, I wanted to try and find out what it was. But first, I wanted to test this barrier. 

I lifted my hand and felt the energy. It felt similar to the energy in the bracelet he gave me. I poked the barrier and felt his energy ripple through me.

I wonder if I could get out and use the bracelet against his own magic. Almost fighting himself, I chuckled before re-focusing.

My hands raised and I tried some random entry spells but was pushed back each time. If entry and exit were the same emphasis, it should have worked.

I dove into my emotions and felt my hands vibrate with incoming power. "Let me out." I grunted, thrusting my hands forward, a glow came from them and interacted with the barrier. I watched as the barrier on the door dissipated and felt myself smile with pride.

The power coming out of my veins felt stronger than the last time I forcefully asked for it. I glanced down at my fingers, in awe. 

I really needed to figure out what was happening to me and my random bursts of power. This could end up being dangerous. 

My eyes peeked out the door to see the empty hallway so I quietly opened and closed the door behind me. I glanced down at the silver outfit I had on. I could pass as a boy. No one would stop me. 

I made my way down the hallway to try and hear anything I could about the North. I did care about my home, Riley, my village, even if they did send me to the northern camp. I had saved the Northern Prince and he was looking for me, should I tell him that?

I maintained my posture and slowly slipped into the library, the people I passed didn't give me any other look. I closed the doors behind me and made my way into the library. I don't know why Ravi didn't let me come in here myself and rather sent Ben to get me books. 

The library looked normal, shelves of books, wooden stacks, and chairs. My eyes glanced to the portrait above the fireplace and I froze.

Princess Anastasia.

I've seen this portrait before, it's her most famous one. Her golden hair flowed down her back and she had on a dark purple gown. A crescent moon necklace hung from her neck. She was beautiful.

She looks like you.

No she doesn't. 

I'm not blonde. I glanced at the painting some more and wondered, why did he still have a portrait of her? 

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