Four: The Festival

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We had gotten into a routine, Raven and I. I would go out in the morning and then in the afternoon he would help me wash and clean the food and materials. It was hard to think about how I did this all myself in solitude a week ago.

He was a good companion, he never complained, enjoyed my food and medical stories. I knew I would miss him when he left after he heals. His limp was gone but his brusing was still a blueish color.

But this last week might have been the highlight of my short thousand year life.

"Ravi?" I called, "I have a surprise for you."

He looked up from the cot and placed one of my books down. "What is it?" He got up and joined me at the table. I pulled the two masks out of the basket.

"For tonight."

He looked at the two paper masks that covered the eyes and nose. The ribbons were used to tie it around the back. "And I have one more surprise." I said, pulling out the new clothes in a deep blue.

"These are for you for tonight as well." I handed him the dark blue clothes.

"Dark blue?"

I nodded, "We all wear dark blue in honor of the princess."

He looked down at them, "You've boughten me more things. I can't afford to pay you back."

I rested my hand on his arm, his eyes met mine. "It's my pleasure Ravi."

"Don't worry, I have my dress for tonight." His eye brow raised. I walked over to my chest near the edge of my cot and opened it, reaching under the spare blanket.

The dark blue dress appeared and I pulled it out. "It's old but I wear her once a year." The buttons were stars and it had silver sparkles near the hems.

"You bought me new clothes instead of your own?"

"Ravi, please, this dress is an old friend."

"Now, help me clean these vegetables so that we can head out to grab a dinner before the festival."



I watched her wash the potatoes as she hummed to herself. I really didn't know how to describe Stasi. She was kind to a stranger, saved his life, spent money on him, and still acts like that's not a big deal.

My eyes glanced over to the royal blue clothes she had purchased. Was I really to wear Northern colors?

Nobody knows you here, you'll be wearing a mask, you'll be with Stasi.

For her, I would wear the northern colors. This would be the first time she would take me into town. She said their village hosted the first night of the festival and the village closest by hosted the second night, they all came here, and then tomorrow we would all head over there for the second night.

It seemed harmless and Stasi was excited. With her back to me, my eyes flashed yellow. I had felt fully healed besides the bruises but part of me didn't want to leave yet.

Don't forget about your kingdom, at war. Don't enjoy it.

I looked down at the spiky vegetables and used my magic to de-thorn them. "Finished." I said.

She turned with a shocked look on her face. "Ravi, you're getting quicker everyday, how am I going to let you go after this skill?"

I laughed. "Are you almost done?"

She smiled and nodded.



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