another day at work /c.5

322 10 42

Disclaimer: In my headcanon Czechia and Slovakia aren't related as siblings they're actually ex husband's who divorced in 1993.

Also since we've got 69 reads I've decided to post a little smut in this chapter don't worry the real smut will come in the future if I'll see there's interest ;)

tw tysm for reading it!

It was Monday once again which meant work but this time as Germany usually would feel drained and unhappy about the fact he had to go to work this time he was looking forward to it ! He even got up earlier so he wouldn't have to rush so badly and would be able to do his hygiene without having to hurry.He nicely dressed, properly brushed his straight yet wavy raven black hair and was on his way to work.

He had a feeling that the reason he was so looking forward this time was due to a certain co worker of his ,Even the thought at him made him smile without really realising it. He parked his car and looked at his phone,he was there early but he didn't mind he breathed the cold air and smiled.He decided it's his time to go so with his suitcase and phone in hand he went inside of the building. He saw multiple countries there already including Slovakia who was talking with Czechia. The moment Czechia saw him from afar he smiled and walked over the Germany with his arms open giving him a hug.Germany smiled and hugged back tightly.

" Germany! You look really nice today and you're here early too !"
And there it was all over again the warmest smile under the sun Germany ever seen

"Yeah I'm surprised myself heh.But you look great yourself"

The German returned the smile. Czechia raised his hand at Slovakia probably showing off that he'll talk to him later.

The two men parted their tbody which Germany wasn't way too happy about but understood.

"hey Czechia"
Germany heard a deep familiar voice he certainly didn't like hearing as he felt a way too harsh smack on his back. He immediately went to brushing it with his hand giving Russia a pissed look.

"Hey ruski" Czechia's Smile not leaving his face . Germany couldn't help but feel bitter in his chest

Russia suprisingly smiled and caressed Czechia's shoulder for s brief moment before keeping to walk forward the hall. Germany's head and anxiety went all sorts of directions what was the relationship between those two? Were they a thing? Friends with benefits? No... Germany was sure Czechia was that sort of guy he came to the conclusion in his head that it was just his jealousy and anxiety making up those thoughts.

"I'll have to finish something with Slovakia quickly I hope you don't mind I'll catch you around the place later okay?" Czechia smiled gently petting Germany's arm who smiled at the physical affection.

"Sounds good to me" Responded Germany which too Czechia let go of his arm smiling and walking towards Slovakia once again to discuss something again.

Germany just sighed not from exhaustion or tiredness he wasn't sure why he just did,He just walked forward into the hall until he made it to his own office closing the door behind him,he then sat in his chair putting his suitcase on the table and sinking into thenfhair , Finally the much needed rest after encounter with that brute.

//Incoming smut so if you're not comfortable please skip! I'll let you know when it ends so just scroll down a little

he opened his suitcase and pulled out his laptop getting ready to actually do some work but he couldn't help but wonder ......what was Czechia discussing with Slovakia? Sure they were close but what could it be?.It was okay though he shouldn't stick his nose into Czechia's buisness after all! He finally opened some files on his computer to start working on them but he couldn't .

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