are we more than just friends?c./7

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It was the day after their hangout Germany woke up to the sight of the smaller republic sleeping on top of him resting his head on Germany's chest the Slavs own chest slowly going up and down. Germany couldn't help but examine his features since he got the rare opportunity to do so. His green eyes searched for every small detail on the sleeping man's face after a while Germany reached out his hand to out the Slavs platinum blonde hair behind his ear to prevent it from falling into his peaceful elegant face. Germany didn't want to get up with the man he oh so adored now sleeping on his chest clearly enjoying the physical contact and warmth he would stay like that forever if he could and keep Czechia just to himself. He got so lost in his thoughts that he didn't realise he was gently stroking the Slavs hair stroking each of the fluffy somehow messy locks.germany closed his eyes once again while smiling he didn't really sleep he just closed his eyes and kept stroking the man's hair while he waited for him to wake up.

They stayed like that for quite a while before the smaller body started moving and Czechia starting to make all sort of whimpers and yawns.Germany couldn't keep the chuckle in it was adorable really. Czech fixed himself to lay on Germany even better now laying in him completely both of his hands on Germany's chest while he layed on his stomach smiling at the German looking into his eyes.

"Mhm Good morning Germany"

"Good morning sleepy judging from the look on your face I suppose you slept well?"

The Czech just nodded and hugged his friend around his waist the tip of his mind still rather sleepy.Germany just smiled and hugged as tight as he could practically squeezing the life out of the Slav who didn't mind quite the opposite actually.

"Could you later drive me home please?"

"Sure thing Czech"

The Czech just mumbled a quiet thank you still cuddling the German.

"If you'll let go I could prepare us some breakfast if you'll let me look into your fridge"

"that would be lovely but.. can we stay like this a bit longer?"

The Czech didn't respond and just smiled resting down once again.
It took quite some time for their bodies to part ways.But there was the Slav making some some omelettes wearing nothing but shorts and a tank top.The German was standing not so far away from him offering help and the Czech claiming he didn't need it,When Czech however looked for the plates in a cabinet under the sink he decided to be a teaser and as he bent over looking for something he purposely rubbed againtd Germany. The moment he did so Germany was clueless about what to do should he back away? That would make it awkward but if he leant in which he honestly wanted to it would be impolite.he blushed when feeling the Slavs ass on his crotch his breath slightly hitched . He didn't care about breakfast anymore he wanted to bend the Slav on the kitchen counter and fuck him until both of the men Couldn't keep going anymore. however the Czech finally found what he needed bending up once again his ass rubbing against the privates of the German one last time a teasing smile on his face however he pretended as if nothing happened and went back to cooking.The German was still stunned from what just happened it was the closest he got to his fantasies so far which grew and grew with desire every second the two spent time.
After some time the two men were sitting across one another at the table enjoying their breakfast.Germany couldn't help but smile as he was looking at the floor it was his first time finally not having breakfast on his own in years centuries even.It felt nice to have some company again He now regretted isolating himself so much but instead of going deeper decided to eat his breakfast as the Slav did the same.after they were done and Germany washed the dishes. The two men went to brush their teeth again just like yesterday. Czechia came up with an idea and Germany agreed so now they were sitting on the matress together with a brush in Czechs hand. Germany sat Infront of Czechia who gently brushed the raven colored dark locks of the German who kept smiling the whole time loving attention like this. After every single of Germany's locks has been brushed they swapped. Now it was Germany brushing Czechia's hair he tried to be gentle really but he had no choice but to pull as Czechia's hair was really tangled this morning however when the brush got stuck in his hair and Germany pulled a lewd sound left Czechia's pretty lips. Germany was stunned by the act his cheeks quickly turning red The other man however quickly covered his mouth with his two hands embarassed which showed it wasn't just one of Czechia's jokes the sound he made was genuine . Germany's breath slightly hitched at the realisation he just heard a genuine moan escape his lips. his voice was just as sweet when it did so as he imagined. With these thoughts Germany felt a familiar knot in his lower stomach cursing at himself. He just kept brushing Czechia's hair hoping it would go away eventually and praying That Czech wouldn't notice he tried to think of something different that would help him calm down but he couldn't it felt like his senses went the same direction and he couldn't control himself. He hated how his erection brushed againtd the fabric of his boxers and pijamas but he had no other choice than to sit though it. The Czech was quiet after making that sound clearly embarassed but it also reminded him of the nights when Slovakia used to pull by his hair on purpose while they had their "fun" together. He quickly forgot about those thoughts not only to stop thinking about his ex husband but also so he wouldn't risk a boner however it was too late and the man's lips left a whine.

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