new interest./c9

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It was a Sunday afternoon the weather wasn't as bad as it usually was which was perfect for Germany and his boyfriend The two of them actually agreed to sell their small apartments so they could live together in a much much more bigger one it wasn't any luxury no but it was more than enough for the two of them to live together, they both had to work extra overtime to be able to afford it and Oh did EU take advantage of that .

Today was the day they'd be transporting their stuff to their new apartment Germany paid for some agency to get most of their stuff there,but some of the stuff remained which Germany thought would be the best just to put in the back of his car and drive it there themselves. He already got few of his boxes in the back of his trunk and it was the time to drive to Czechia's old apartment to pick him up as well as his stuff. Germany would finally get to see his cat in real life too which got him pretty excited he really liked animals despite being more of a dog person he didn't mind nonetheless he saw "Bali" as Czech calls him only on pictures and he had to admit he looked pretty adorable just like the owner of it. He looked at his now completely empty apartment before closing the door giving his landlord the keys to it and walked outside of the building to get to his car and drive to his boyfriend's.

On the way there he couldn't help but smile as he realized how far he got! It wasn't a while ago he was still a helpless romantic but now he got to date his crush and now was moving in with him , as much as the present is exciting with his new partner the future with him was just as exciting.
He thought about all the things they'd still have to buy as he drove to Czechia's apartment.

When he arrived his boyfriend was sitting on the stairs Infront of the building with his last remaining things out as well as a cat box. as soon as he parked his car and went outside approaching Czechia he put the cat carrier box away from his lap and rushed over to Germany to give him a kiss. Germany smiled wrapping his hands around his boyfriend's waist who cupped Germany's face to pull him into a soft kiss.

"You're finally here! I thought I would explode from excitement" Czechia said smiling fondly at the German.

Germany gently caressed his hips and waist while smiling at him he couldn't help it he was so excited and from Czechia's look it was clear he was just as excited as Germany.

"Sorry that I kept you waiting for so long I wanted to make sure I leave nothing behind"

"It's okay I understand" Czechia responded as he gave a one last peck to Germany's lips before walking back over to his stuff first grabbing the cat carrier while smiling.

"So this is bali! Can I put her in the car quickly please? I'm scared of her getting sick out in the cold"

Germany nodded with a smile before walking over to the boxes as well grabbing some of them and heading to the car although he noticed as he walked with them in his hand one of them boxes made some sound as if there was metal but it wasn't like a furniture if was more like...coins?
Why would Czech take coins with him in boxes? Maybe he collected them?Germany would have to ask about that later for now he instead put the boxes in the trunk which Czechia opened for him. Then they out a few more boxes in the trunk which Germany wondered why were they so heavy? The transport agency should have taken all of the heavy stuff unless Czechia disagreed and insisted on taking them himself which also Germany couldn't quite understand why he would do that. So a few more boxes and a sports bag and they were done now they weren't any of the stuff Infront of them so they got in the car and czechia put the cat carrier on his lap as they started driving to their new apartment at the opposite end of the city.

As they drove Germany couldn't help but notice a sad spark in Czechs eye so he his other hand he didn't drive with on his lap and gave him a smile which Czechia responded to with smiling as well.

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