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Inherited will...

The tide of the times...

People's dreams...

These things cannot be stopped.

As long as people seek the answer of freedom, these things will never cease to be!

"Run! Run, Karoo!"

Karoo kept running forward under the princess of Alabasta's, Nefertari Vivi's, urging. They didn't dare to stop or look back. The two top agents from Baroque Works were right behind. Once they caught them, it would be impossible to escape with their lives.

"There's a ship docked behind the cactus rocks! We're going to use it to escape from this island! And then, we'll go to Alabasta! Hurry, Karoo!"

However, for a normal human like her, there was no way of escaping from Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine.


Vivi pulled Karoo's reins, forcing the duck to come to a stop as a building in their way exploded. The debris fell all over the road, blocking their path. And from the smoke, a figure strode out with all the leisure in the world. It wasn't as if he was there to take a life.

"Mr. 5... They've found us! Karoo, this way! Hurry!" Vivi directed Karoo in another direction. There was no choice but to take a detour if she wanted to avoid those monsters.

Miss Valentine floated down from the sky, laughing loudly as she watched the princess who was desperately trying to escape. Mr. 5 wasn't that obvious with his emotions, but he clearly didn't put Vivi in his eyes either.

"Such pointless struggling."

Vivi couldn't hear what Mr. 5 said, but she knew that was the case deep down. No matter how desperately she struggled, she couldn't escape from them. That didn't mean she wouldn't try.

Vivi turned a corner. Just a little further and she would be out of the town. But before Karoo could take another step, another person appeared in their way.

"Miss Monday!"

Miss Monday was all beaten up and could barely stand on her own. She held a large log under her right arm and stepped to the side, opening the road for Vivi to pass through. "Go on. You can get to the ship through here. I'll hold them off."


"Thanks to those freakishly strong pirates, we're all going to get punished for failing our mission anyway. I'd much rather get my butt kicked shielding a friend."

Miss Monday knew by now that Vivi was a spy. She had approached them with other intentions from the beginning. Some people could even think that Vivi never considered them friends. But so, what? To Miss Monday, this foolish little girl was her comrade.

The two just stared at one another, not moving. Seeing that Mr. 5 was approaching, Miss Monday had to urge the girl. "Come on, what're you standing around for?! If you get killed, Mr. 8 and Mr. 9's sacrifices will be for nothing! Get going!"

Vivi bit her lower lip, lowering her head. "Thank you..."

As Vivi went farther away, Miss Monday moved to stand in the middle of the road, blocking Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine who were heading in her direction.

"First Mr. 9 and now you, Miss Monday?" Mr. 5 clicked his tongue, rising the right sleeve of his coat. His right arm was left bare and the chilly night wind brushed against it.

One Piece: In Search of Freedom [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now