Sorry I ran into you!

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After this Im not writing authors notes! Until I don't know when! Also I'm about to cry because there is a bump on my nose and it hurts🙃.

----dabi pov----

I woke up at 3am starving! Shoto was sleeping next to me on the floor so I had to almost break my neck trying to cross over him!I walked down stairs and into the kitchen which was extremely huge.I looked in the fridge for something to eat which hurt my back like crazy! Im 6'2 so that explains it. I find some turkey, lettuce,and some cheese and make a sandwich. Only for it to be dropped as I turn around and see shiggy standing

"Ah, shit. What the hell Tomura!"

"Oh, I'm sorry dabi. I was just hungry and wanted something to……uh eat." I noticed his eyes going some where and a hint of blush. That's until I realized I wasn't wearing a shirt. Damn he is cute when he is flustered. ' Hey dabi didn't know you had a crush on boss' crazy H says through her mind to dabi. 'quiet sis I don't have a crush on him' dabi replied.

"Uh dabi, what with the mean expression."

"Huh! Oh sorry I uh. Well me and toga developed this ability over time. It's not a quirk! I don't think. And uh we can talk with each other through our uh..... minds. Make since?"

"Yeah sure."

"You still hungry." I ask him. And I think his age regression kicked in because he made a pouty face.

"I want cinna buns. Momma makes them  foh all the time!" He said in a childish voice.

"How do you make them?"

"I don't know. But mamma does. But she sleeping now and she get weally mad when I wake her up for no reason."

"Well this is a reason to wake her up" and I guess I said the wrong thing because he started to cry.

" Hey what's wrong."
" Mamma gonna spank me if I wake her up! And daddy's gonna hit me again! He always does. I hate him. He says I'm a whore and I'm no good!" Poor thing. Kurogiri couldn't have been this mean to shigaraki. And who is his dad?

"Who is your dad?" I ask

"Daddy is evil. I don't know his name. But he is really ugly and has no eyes! Hehe." Good he laughed. I turn my head just to see a angry shoto not realizing that tomura had yelled the first part.

"Could you guys keep it down a bit." He said tiredly and not angry.

"HI!" Shigaraki said excitedly. I shushed him and he said sorry.

"Huh hi we met like 7 hours ago" he said tiredly

"Uh tomu you can go sit down on the couch I'll have your uh... Cinna buns or what ever they are ( just wanted to say that I call cinnamon rolls cinna buns)shoto I need to talk to you."

"Am I in trouble?"

"No your not. So the reason why shigaraki said hi is because he suffers from age regression. And back then he didn't know you. Make since?"

"Ooh, yeah makes since."

After the talk shoto showed me how to make cinna buns. He also told me they stand for cinnamon rolls. We and six so each of us get two. Soon shoto goes back upstairs and the only people left are me and shiggy. But he....... He is just so cute. He has a baby girl face. He looks like a five year old little girl! He is so cute. I didn't realize I was blushing until he snapped out of it and said

"Are you constipated your face keeps getting redder than it is"

"Huh! Uh no I'm not I'm just uh i-i uh."

"OH! Your in love with someone."

"Uh no I'm uh...... Yeah, yeah I am." He will never like me.

"You look disappointed. Why?" He says raising one eyebrow.  ( Oh wait he doesn't have any....... Lets pretend he does!)

"They-- they won't like me! I'm too ugly to like."

"Says who!" He said kinda angry.

"Um, my ex. He said I'm ugly and he used me! I'll never forgive him!" Why did I just tell him that!' tell who what?' toga say's. ' toga go sleep who need it!' ' I can't when you thinking about shiggy!'

"Talking to her again?"

"Uh yeah."

"So who is this ex of yours and what's their name?"

"Um.. I'm tired can we go to bed and I'll tell you in the morning."

And with that we went to bed. And I find my younger brother laying in my bed. I just scoot him over a bit and get in. "Good night sho." I say. "Night Touya or should I say dabi."

798 word look at me go!🙃 In the next chapter SHIT IS GOING DOWN!

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