A quirk?

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I'm lazy. So no fancyness for part?

- tomura pov----

I had woke up to go check on Einokai and make breakfast. Everyone tells me I make good pancakes. The things is I don't even know what I'm doing! Me and dabi have been planning on what we should name the new one. I just don't understand why it's so hard!

I walked down stairs to see Einokai playing with her toys on the floor. She looked so happy. I want my baby girl to have the best life! I turn and start make breakfast. That's when I saw Einokai scooting across the floor on her butt.

"E.K! Your gonna get your clothes dirty! Here, let mama help you to the booster seat."

She knows exactly when its time for breakfast. It started when she was a newborn. She would just look at me in her crib. Specifically my breast! Or what's left of them.

She watches me cook breakfast and writes on a paper with a blue crayon now and then. To be honest, it was the cutest thing I have seen all day. I had cracked an egg and she accidentally crack a yellow crayon. She started to laugh so that was a good sign.

I was almost finished when she threw a crayon at me head. She then proceeded to scream. Guess she was really hungry. But I have to blend her fruit so she can eat it.


"Hold on! Your breakfast is almost done." I say putting everyone's food on a plate.


"Okay okay! I'm hurrying!"

I quickly got everyone up and sat her blended fruit on the table. I also fixed her a bottle of milk. Yes. It's my milk. She is probably just gonna throw it at my head though.

"Alrighty. You ready Einokai!"

"Yah!" She yelled excitedly.

"Okay. Open the tunnel here comes the train! Chuga -chuga choo-choo!"

"Mmmm! Ma!"

"Dabi shut up! It's the only way she will eat!"

"I didn't say anything!"

"The face you made! Now! Who still hungry?"

Einokai's face immediately lit up. She started jumping up and down out of her high chair. She started laughing and opened her mouth waiting. I don't think she has ever tried black berries before.

"Einokai you want some black berries? Hmm? Yeah! Num num!"

She ate them like they where nothing. I had dabi feed me my break fast why she drank her milk. She even learned how to pick the bottle up herself!

"Dabi feed her I have to use the bathroom." I say getting up to use the bathroom.

-- dabi pov---

Great! Now I have to feed Einokai!

"Okay sweetie. You ready?"

"Huh! Loo!" She said staring deeply at the table. I looked down and saw what looked like enoki mushrooms. Guess we made a good decision naming her Einokai.

"Yeah baby. That's a quirk. Everyone has those. Well some people dont. Bit you got lucky didn't you!" I said as she laughed.

"What I miss?" Shiggy said coming down stairs.

"Well Einokai just got her quirk."

He stared at the enoki mushrooms on the table.

"Guess we did a good job naming her Einokai."

530. Yeah I'm lazy today. It's because I'm sick.

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