You Like Me?

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(hi this is auther. I need to stop! Anyway it's so rude of me to not introduce my self! Call me Author or Shay-Chan! Have an image of me and my friends! I didn't drew it with the help of tracing over the original image and making my own art!)

----NOBODY POV----

I finally hade the courage to tell shiggy how I feel about him but I wanna tell toga first! Shoto already knows so this should be less nerve wrecking.

I walk to toga's room. Knocking on her door. She opened it and glared at me.


"Is this about romance! If so I'm breaking your neck!"

"Well yeah it is but I just wanted to give you the good news! I'm gonna ask out shiggy!"

"YAY BB! Congratulations! C'mon let's go!"

We make our way down to where shigaraki is sitting. He normally sits in the kitchen.

"Uh hey shiggy! I was just wanting to uh tell you ...... something eh."

"Uh yeah sure what is it." He said taking his pacifier out of his mouth.

"Uh-I- uh i-i-i-i I really like you.

"Oh you do! Cool same." He said then went right back to his phone. So just to tease him, I took his pacifier.


"Tell me to my face you like me!"

"I like you now give it back!"

"You like me?"

"Yeah! Your my friend you said it yesterday!"

"Oh. So that's what you meant."

"Yeah what did you think I meant?"

"Well I was tryna ask you out because I thought that's what you meant last night. But you said we were friends."

He slapped me. Got up. And walked away. WOW! Who knew his slaps hurt! But I'm not giving up! I will have him if that's the last thing I DO!

I march up to his room. And goddamn it it's locked!


"Go away dabi!

Why was Kurogiri in there? I needed to finds out.

"Kurogiri is shigaraki alright." I said as I hear footsteps coming near the door. Kurogiri opens it.

"Dabi! Did you body shame shigaraki!"

"What no! I never said anything!"

"Did you do something! Cause if you didn't do anything! Shigaraki wouldn't have come crying his eyes out to me!"

"I mean I took his pacifier and kinda asked him out. But I'm sorry if that was offensive!"

"That's the problem stupid bitch!" That was the first time I ever heard Kurogiri cuss.

"Now go away dabi. I have a child to cheer up!"

Wow! Yeah this is going down hill!

"Well just tell him I'm sorry!"

He started crying even more when I said that. I feel awful! I knew I should have just waited until we got a little closer! 'I'm sorry shiggy'
'it didn't go well did it' toga said to me in her mind.
'Well bitch is in tears so yeah!' a new voice said that I recognize.
'shosho! You guys I really messed this up!'
'BB DON'T GIVE UP!' they both say at the same time.


517 I'm doing good. Also no one's reading this. Good but not good! Love you people who read it! MHAW!💋

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