I love him!

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Do I dare make this a chapter?................................................ I dare.

---- uraraka pov----

I walked back to the league of villains hide out secretly. I hope no one saw me. As get up there I see toga waiting for me with something moving in a blanket.

She came up and hugged me tightly also being careful not to kill what was in the blanket. She doesn't know how bad I wanna see what it is!

"Hey toga! So what's in the blanket!"

"Guess! I'll give you three and then I'll say it of you get it wrong."

"Ok! Uh.....is it a cat!"


"Ooh....is it a........duck!"

"Mm mm."

"Dang it! Is it.......a child!"

"Yep! His name is Miburin!" She said letting me see the child.

He was so cute! Especially in his little blue onesie! He looked at me and laughed. But I have no idea where she got him from.

"Toga. Did you kidnap him?"

"No. Shiggy and dabi adopted him for me. But we are parents now! Now I don't feel left out. Maybe in the future we can adopt another!"

"If we are still together."

He walked back into the house. Honestly, shoto was right. The league isn't that bad. They're just calm and collected.

I sat Miburin in his crib. He instantly went to sleep! I was getting kinda hungry and went into the kitchen and saw tomura. He looked sleepy but I didn't wanna bother him.

I got a bag of chips and decided to see if he was ok.

"Hey tomura. You good?"

"If you can call it good. Dabi wants another child and I wanna wait. But I do wanna have sex. But he isn't letting me unless I want a child. And I feel used. Having Einokai isn't helping either.

"Is there anything I can do?"

"No." He said calmly.

I walk off back to toga and Miburin. They were watching tv together which was absolutely cute!

----tomura pov----

I walked up stairs after uraraka left. Dabi was changing Einokai while listening to music. Guess he didn't hear me come in because he jumped when he saw me laying down. I laughed a little.

"Hey shiggy.....I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said earlier today. Can you forgive me?"

"Yeah. I don't see why not."

"Thanks!" He said giving me a kiss.

"Ew! Straight people!" Shoto said walking in. Dabi gave him a glare.

"What is it shosho?"

"Mom called. She said she wants to see Einokai again. Like woman! You saw her three weeks ago!"

"Alright. Go get dressed. Shiggy you coming?" I shook my head yes kinda excited.

"Yay. I'm gonna see mom again." I say in a childish voice. Welp back to the good old days!

460. I made it short on purpose. Also I went to the skating rink yesterday. It was me first time. I fell like ten times! And my bestie just laughed at me! Like help a bitch out!

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