Chapter 3: haven't you heard what becomes of curious minds?

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"Знао си љта же се десити пре него љто се то десило. (You knew what was going to happen before it happened.)" Pietro says to her, in Sokovian, once they're out and roaming. A poor attempt at hiding, because they don't even really know who they're hiding from, where he is, what he knows, all they know is any robot around is bad news for them. Stark or Ultron, either way, it spells danger for them.

She would have loved it if she time travelled a bit earlier, so she never joined Ultron, or later, just enough time to save Pietro, and not have to deal with everything before.

She turns towards Pietro and raises her eyebrow. Replies in Sokovian, " Да, јесам. Нежу те лагати. (Yes, I did. I will not lie to you.)"

Pietro hummed, and picked up a wrapped potato bread, two, one publicly with his right hand, showing everyone who cared to look that he was checking it out, while his left hand, covered by his lean body moved in super speed, leaving a barely noticeable blue blur as he took Borodinsky bread for himself to eat, never mind that this was the sixth stall he had stolen from. Before, the sight used to stir up some have-to-be-ignored resentment at the back of her mind, at the sight of so much food, that she just knew she would have to decline no matter how much her stomach ached for it, and it would all have to be for him— especially now that he was the fast one, and burned through his food with a speed that even her faster-than-most metabolism could never hope to keep up with.

Now, it just filled her with a sort of pain, to remember the way they used to have to live. The way they had to steal, just to keep Pietro fed, and the resentment that either couldn't fight back when one had to get more than the other constantly. She placed a hand on his arm and shook her head, and he put both bread back down.

"But I'm hungry." He tells her, leaning down to whisper.

"I know, Piet, but... but just trust me, okay? I'll keep you fed. No more stealing."

Pietro looked at her with suspicious eyes, but nodded his agreement, though he kept the bread that he had already stolen and started to eat as they walked. It wouldn't be enough for him, but that was alright— what were reality manipulating twin sisters for, after all?

"Па (So)," Pietro says, as he gulps down his bread, because Mama taught them manners, and Papa... told them to do whatever Mama told them to do. "како си знао за све љто би се десило? Иак и др. Ћена, видела сам да си је љтитио са. Нисам ни знао да то моћељ. (How'd you know about everything that would happen? Even the Dr. woman, I saw that you protected her with like– like, a thrown shield? I didn't even know you could do that.)" He said, speaking much faster and more comfortably in Sokovian, than he did in his accented English.

She wonders what will sound more ridiculous. The truth, or lies?

"It's part of my powers." she says, because did she not just say a few moments ago that she wouldn't lie to him? "It didn't start until recently, I didn't even know I could do it, but—it happened, and now I— well, now I know my future."

Pietro oohs in interest, and fishes out his second bread, as he asks his second question. "What other new abilities do you have?"

She smiles, "That's for me to know, Piet, and you to find out."

Pietro rolls his eyes, and she bites back another laugh at how much attitude he fits into an eye roll, and decides that their eye rolls are absolutely a family trait. Even the Fake, Agatha-made WandaVision Pietro had the eye-roll down.

"Don't worry," she starts. "If we survive this, then I'll tell you everything."

Pietro nods, and tries to act happy with that, but she can see the way his eyes darken in worry, as he chews on his third bread, as he thinks over what she could have meant by 'if'' they survived. She could see his mind, rather than hear, working away to think about the fact that if she knew her future, and yet she wasn't sure if they would survive– what would that mean for them? She could see him mull over the idea of just running away. Then that furrow on his brow disappeared as he realized he was out of food.

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