Chapter 7

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Leaning near he ear he allowed himself to smell her hair before whispering,

"I am hungry"

Both of his hands caged her by putting themselves against the wall. She felt claustrophobic by his closeness, but more vividly she felt flabbergasted by the absence of questions. She was sure he had a lot to ask, a lot to extract. But why he kept his silence, was a secret.
And perhaps it wasn't that indecipherable mystery too, perhaps he was content with whatever he knew so far, whatever he had found out so far. And so he decided to delay the interrogation, something that he knew would surely break her down once again.

She took a sharp inhale when his nose traced the skin beneathe her ear, nibbling it softly.

"I am not your cook" she breathed.

"And I am not a kind man"

Her eyes widened when she felt a metallic blunt end poking her stomach. She didn't had to see it to know that he had taken out to his gun, as if already sensing the resistance.

He distanced his face from her neck, observing her eyes as a tinge of defiance layered her vulnerability seconds ago. But even when she wanted to seethe, she didn't, very well aware that he had no reason to not pull the trigger. Not to mention with her death she'll lose every chance to save her daughter from the monster. Now that he knew about her, Tara wanted to be alive, to be able to protect her daughter from her supposedly loving father.

Without losing the hold of his eyes she squeezed her body out from between the wall and him, making her way to kitchen. And  he closely followed, his large frame belittling the hallways and doorframes as he walked through them, observing the pictures on the walls, little cracks on the ceiling, the chaotic scribbling of crayons at the bottom of walls. And even when there was much to notice around, his eyes lingered on her bottom as she walked, her ponytail softly swaying on her back. She hadn't changed, even a bit. Apart from her professional attire that he had never seen on her, he was sure that if he undressed her, there'd be nothing gained, nothing lost in all the wanting places. The thought of her nakedness made him take a deep breathe. He forced his gaze somewhere else, away from the distracting woman who despite being the most cruelest in his life had managed to seduce him without effort.

He made himself comfortable on the kitchen table as she ushered in, taking the eggs out from refrigerator.

And now that he had time, he swiftly took his cell out from the pocket, not surprised at the thirty nine miss calls from Enzo. He knew what the calls were for and when he opened the text message it confirmed. Enzo had found out about Tara's daughter. Donavan let a sly smirk play on his lips, impressed by Enzo's dedication. 

Typing a quick "I know", Donavan clicked the Mobile off, letting it rest on the table top to gaze around. Though small, the kitchen was clean. He saw the utensils that heaped in the sink, waiting to be washed. She was probably planning to clean them in the night. 

It was only a minute that he spared to observe her surrounding, once he was done watching uninterested things, her body yet again pulled his eyes back to itself. 

Tara gave a wary look back at him once in a while, finding his eyes either horrifyingly glued to her ass, or directly looking through her soul. He didn't waver his gaze despite that she kept catching him staring at her. His transparent boldness evoked shivers on her skin. He would follow her actions, as she would cut the onion, pour the eggs, toast a bread. She felt self conscious all over again, chary of her every movement that he followed like an eagle, watching her as if her fingers turning the bread, the lose strands swaying around her face were too important to not watch.  His lust seeped in the air like the most addictive poison, she felt it without touch, without words. But it wasn't the lust that demanded something as insignificant as intimacy, rather it blazed with hatred, the thirst of blood.

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