Chapter 25 - Don't Follow Me

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*cringes slightly* I told myself that I wouldn't do a period chapter.

*purses lips* I didn't listen.

Is it bad when I ignore everyone, including myself?

Anywhore, let's get to it...

Katerina's POV

It's Saturday morning, and I am currently dreading the next few days.

I know, I know.

I should be celebrating that the weekend is finally here, but my period started last night, causing me to feel like I'm dying, while sometimes wishing that I already was. Dead, that is.

I groan loudly when I roll over in bed, landing on one of Christiano's stuffies that I stole from him last night before bed. I then cringe slightly at the memory.

Needless to say, it's Christiano I was dealing with.

So he responded with a typical Christiano reaction of throwing a slight tantrum as he whined about the octopus being his favorite while trying to offer me a stuffed panda instead, saying that it wasn't one of his top five favorites.

He even told me I could keep the panda if I returned the octopus back to him unharmed.

Thinking back to last night, I feel slightly bad for having barged into his room before bed and practically snatching the plush out of his arms.

I felt worse about my actions when I thought of how his eyes watered slightly, but then my stomach and back began to cramp. After that, the only thing that I could think about was how I was being stabbed with invisible knives all over my abdomen.

I walked out of his room before heading to mine, slamming his door in the process as I walked out into the hall.

I ignored his whines of protest as he followed, along with the single tear that escaped his eye as he whimpered, "But that's my plushy." I watched him silently for a moment as his lip pouted slightly before slamming the door in his face.

As I try to fall back asleep, I yank the covers over my head as the mid-morning sun lights up the room, but my body refuses to comply as sleep continues to evade me.

I yank the covers away as a huff escapes my lips before attempting to glare at my balcony doors. Although this only causes me to cringe, squinting my eyes as I look away from the intrusive light.

It only takes me a few moments to remember that this was Christiano's form of revenge for stealing his octopus.

He had snuck into my room later in the night, trying to retrieve the plush from my grasp as I slept. However, he ended up leaving my room in a huff, muttering curses under his breath as he rubbed his chest.

Apparently he had tried to remove the toy from my arms, and somehow I ended up kicking him while I was sleeping. Although, I only know this because of his grumbling because I was asleep while this happened.

Then again, this occurrence didn't even faze my sleeping form, but I did wake up when Jethro and King began to growl at him and he left soon after because he still to this day complains about the dogs begin spawns of Satan and saying that he doesn't trust them to not bite him.

Unfortunately for me, as payback to my plushy theft, he ripped open my light canceling blinds away from their fixed position, allowing for the morning sun to penetrate into my room.

Although annoyed with the disturbance, I have to give him some credit for actually being brave enough to knowingly cause me less sleep on a weekend.

Unbeknownst to him, has started a war, and I know just the right form of retribution.

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