Bonus Chapter || The Phone Call

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Here's a small bonus chapter. Well, I guess chapter is a bit of a stretch. This is more of an introduction, if you will.
This is a small sneak peek into the lives of Katerina's brothers before she joins them.

3rd Person POV

As the brothers walked around the quiet house, none of them bothered to interact with each other; the once-close family had slowly become distant and closed off throughout the years.

Although this was a typical day for each of the DiNozzo brothers, they were in for a surprise later this evening when they would receive a phone call that would change their lives forever.

After the disappearance of Valentina, none of the DiNozzo men were ever the same again.

Though the young boys missed their absentee mother, at first, they couldn't even fathom the loss of their sweet sorellina.

At the age of two, the young Katerina had unknowingly stolen the hearts of every DiNozzo man in the famiglia, leaving each of them with something missing when she disappeared.

On the day that the pair disappeared, the morning began with a large celebration for Katerina's second birthday party.

For the occasion, Niccolò DiNozzo, Katerina's father, had invited his father along with his brothers and their wives and children to celebrate with his family at his home in Sicily.

Although, it wasn't much of an invitation, since each of the extended family members lived in homes near each other in Italy and hardly a day passed by without at least someone stopping by for a visit.

Unfortunately for the loving, yet ruthless family, this celebration did not go as planned.

After Katerina's disappearance, Niccolò and his five sons were devastated by having their only bambina taken from their home.

Within the span of a few short yeas, la Famiglia could no longer take the pain of living in a house that held too many fond memories of their beloved sister.

Ultimately, the family ended up moving to a small town in Northern California to be near some of their close friends, whom they had formed alliances with years prior.

Although the house had once been boisterous and cheery, the family fell into a deep depression at the loss of the small child. Even the youngest brothers struggled with the loss of their best friend and sister, but Michele, who practically raised the girl while their father was at work, was devastated.

After a few months without any luck in finding their sorella, the house became a gloomy place and her brothers began to resent their mother for taking their tesoro.

After learning that Valentina was the cause of all the pain that the Famiglia was suffering, every man in the family vowed to spare no expense in searching for the child and that if one of the family members were to ever meet the damned woman again, that they would lock her up for her to wither away in a cell after they showed her just how much pain she caused.

However, this day never came. Instead, the five brothers' worlds are rocked years after they concluded that they would never see Katerina again or that she was simply dead.

Although they never wanted to believe either was true, the brothers lost what little hope they had as each day passed without hearing anything about their sorellina.

When the call finally came, Michele and his brothers thought that it was a joke.

Their immediate thought was that someone screwed up when they matched Michele's DNA with the young girl that lived in Russia.

They thought that it was a hoax because, after a decade-long search, they couldn't believe that their sorellina had finally been located.

Most of the brothers couldn't stop themselves from sharing their opinions about how it might be a ruse to steal money from the family, or that maybe it was a sick and cruel tactic made by one of their enemies to try to break the DiNozzo men further.

After the call that disrupted and changed their lives once more, none of the boys quite knew what to do.

It took almost an hour for the brothers to realize that they weren't dreaming, and once they did, Michele and Anthony sprung into action to retrieve their long-lost sister.

Within the hour, he had ordered numerous men to scout out and protect the location that she was at since he already had some of his men in the country to handle business with his underboss.

He even had his 2nd in-command collect an extra DNA sample from the girl's home to be tested again for further confirmation while she was waiting at the police station as they worked on determining her guardianship forms.

After the second DNA test was confirmed, Michele signed and faxed the papers back and had Katerina on one of his private jets as soon as she was done packing her things.

Although he was slightly bitter about the officers not having the foresight to have her either pack before she was brought to the station or while she was waiting to hear if they had located any of her relatives.

Even after the second DNA confirmation and once she was boarded onto the twelve-hour flight, most of the DiNozzo brothers were still having a hard time processing everything that had happened within the last few hours.

Most of the brothers couldn't contain their excitement, while others began to doubt and question how they should respond to this newfound knowledge.

In the end, each of the brothers was ecstatic about their sister's impending return, but some still refused to ignore the fact that something might happen to her again in the future.

While some of the brothers were already planning for the fun things that they could do with their sister after she returned, others were questioning if they should let her back into their hearts again, fearing that they wouldn't be able to fix themselves again if she were to leave or be taken once more.

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