Satzki's Office

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Satzki tapped his pen rhythmically on his desk, pursing his lips in thought. In front of him stood Cyl and Dee, their faces just as red as each other's and their gazes refusing to meet anything that wasn't the floor. They'd done their best to explain their predicament, but there was something still bothering Satzki.

"So what exactly is the problem here?" he questioned.

"The problem," Dee answered through gritted teeth, his gruff voice hiding just how shaky his words were. "Is that we're closely related, but not that close, and it—"

"From what I hear," Satzki cut him off. "You're close enough to come here together as patrons."

"T-That's different!" Cyl stammered.

"Is it?" Satzki asked frankly. "If the issue is the fact that you're neighbours, it's not going to make much of a difference whether I move you or not. You're either fucking next door or a few floors apart."

He glanced between the two young men.

"Unless you're trying to get each other fired?"

"No!" Both boys quickly responded.

"Okay," Satzki nodded. "So your only option is to get over it. No one is making you sleep with each other — that's a hard line even I won't cross."

Cyl and Dee looked warily at each other, hesitating, before lowering their gazes and nodding like scolded children.

"If there are no other complaints you can go," Satzki smiled, watching as the two young men turned to leave. "Actually, Cyl, I have some questions for you."

Pausing, Cyl turned back around, listening as Dee made his way out of the office.

Satzki stood up and gestured to the small loveseat sitting in the corner of the room. "You're not in trouble or anything," he assured. "Have a seat. It's just a routine survey — I'm asking everyone."

Cyl let out a sigh of relief and sat, though his posture didn't relax. He watched carefully as Satzki picked up his tablet, switching it on and scrolling through what Cyl could only assume were pages and pages of files.

"How are you finding things?" he asked, sitting beside Cyl. "Are you happy with you room?"

"It's...nicer than I thought it would be," Cyl answered honestly.

"Good," Satzki smiled. "Are you getting along with the others here?"

Cyl nodded slowly. "Chai from my floor seems to like me," he mumbled. "And Mika from the third floor talks to me."

Satzki smirked at the mention of Mika, and Cyl got the feeling he wasn't the first person to mention him. "So you're paired with Gear," he murmured after some time, moreso to himself. "How are you finding him?"

"Oh, um," Cyl stammered, flustered, as he thought back on yesterday's conversation with Mika. "He's great, I think. He doesn't rush me into anything I don't want to do."

Satzki hummed curiously, making notes. "So have you two had sex yet?"

Cyl's cheeks burned hotly and he desperately pressed his fingers against his cheeks to cool them. "A few times?" he squeaked.

"And out of the two of you, who would you say is more affectionate?"

Cyl cleared his throat awkwardly. "What do you mean by 'affectionate'?"

Satzki paused in thought. "Kissing, cuddling, snuggling," he listed. "Little romantic things."

"Um..." Cyl stalled, barely able to hear himself think over the sound of his own racing heartbeat. "He likes to cuddle but I kiss more?"

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