The Interview

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Satzki huffed to himself as he closed the office door behind the young man, moving around his desk to take a seat in the burgundy leather chair he'd seen so many times before. His new office was reminiscent of a small library, with leather-bound books filled with profiles of past employees and guides on how to run a business lining the wooden bookshelves. Although he'd forced himself to project an air of confidence, the twenty-three year old had next to no idea what he was doing.

       No, that wasn't true. He had some idea: he was recruiting new members, obviously, and he knew what he liked personally. When it came to the young man in front of him, however, Satzki couldn't tell. After all, the noirette kept his head lowered to the point where the older could barely see his face.

       Glancing down at the stack of applications, Satzki sighed yet again. His act of calling people in randomly meant the forms were now out of order too.

       "What's your name?" he asked, his tone accidentally dismissive, making the both of them flinch.

       "K - Kyle," the young man stammered. "Phillips."

       A quick flick through the forms found the name easily; after all, it wasn't exactly common in this day and age. Satzki read over it, noting a few of the details -- his age, his contact details, his preferences for sex categories.

       Satzki smiled at the neat circle drawn around the printed heart and looked back up at Kyle. It was only then that he could fully see the young man's face, and Satzki's smile grew wider. Soft dark hair fell in front of what Satzki assumed were two bright cobalt eyes, though it was hard to tell with one of them covered. He pointed to his own eye.

       "Mind if I ask what the story there is?" Satzki asked.

       Kyle's visible eye widened a little as he touched his eye patch. He swallowed and lowered his head. "I don't really like to talk about it," he murmured.

       Satzki leaned forward, interested, his elbows resting on the wood of the office's elm desk, his chin on the back of his hand as he studied the young man with intrigue. "If that's the case, can you tell me why you cover it up? Is it missing?"

       "N - No, it's not missing." The man's cheeks flushed pink and he quickly shook his head. "I'm just not a huge fan of the way it looks."

       "Can I see?" Satzki asked, standing up and moving around the desk until he found the perfect spot to perch on; right in front of Kyle. The older man had always had a fascination with people's eyes -- they were the window to the soul, or so his mother used to say.

       "S - See?" Kyle squeaked, his face growing even warmer as Satzki leaned forward, smiling flirtatiously.

       "Just a peak," he offered. "I promise I won't say anything bad about it."

       He watched intensely as Kyle contemplated his words, his plump lower lip hidden as he sucked it nervously, his eyes darting around the room. Finally, he nodded, making Satzki grin gleefully.

       Kyle reached behind his head with shaky hands, but the older man quickly stopped him with a light grip on his wrists. "You don't have to," he said softly before a light smile stretched his lips. "Or you could let me do it.

       Another pause, and Kyle nodded, letting his hands fall to rest in his lap.

       "Do you know how the Suits system works?" Satzki asked, changing the subject as he gently ran his fingers through Kyle's soft dark hair.

       It took the younger man a moment before he realised what he'd been asked, and he shook his head. "I just circled what I liked to watch."

       Satzki chuckled. "That's a start," he said, pleased, as he tugged softly at the knot holding the white patch over Kyle's eye. "To be honest, it took me a while to fully understand it too."

       The bandage slipped away, and Kyle's breath hitched in the back of his throat. Satzki almost stopped breathing too.

       "Beautiful," he breathed. Unlike the other mismatched pairs of eyes Satzki had seen throughout his lifetime -- which were largely due to faulty G-Mods -- Kyle's was clearly from some sort of trauma, judging by the light scarring around his eye socket.

       While Kyle's left eye was the colour of gorgeous expensive sapphires, his right was a dull purple, reminding Satzki of the colour of lavender flowers in colder weather. Judging by the lack of movement when he wiggled his fingers, Satzki realised Kyle couldn't see out of the dull purple eye.

       "H - How does the system work?" Kyle asked, uncomfortable by the silence as Satzki studied the side of his face he normally hid.

       "Hm?" Satzki murmured, clearly having forgotten what he was saying. "Oh! Yes! We have two types of customers here -- ones who are looking for meaningless sex, and ones who actually want to feel like someone loves them."

       Kyle frowned, letting Satzki tilt his head from side to side as he continued to stare at his face. "That's kind of depressing," he muttered, making Satzki laugh.

       "It is," he agreed. "But that's life. The boys with the black suits -- spades and clubs -- deal with the guys who don't want any emotion or romance. The others -- hearts and diamonds -- deal with those who do."

       The younger man's one functional eye watched as Satzki finally moved back, and he let out a breath of relief he hadn't realised he'd been holding. "So what's the difference between, say, hearts and diamonds?" he asked, retying the eye patch around his head, ignoring Satzki's falling smile as he did so.

       The older noirette seemed to contemplate his answer, before holding his index finger up as though he'd thought of the perfect answer. "Roughness!" he said with a smile.

       Kyle blinked. "Roughness?" he repeated, immediately regretting it when a sly smirk tugged the corners of Satzki's lips.

       "To put it in the simplest terms I can think of," he explained. "Someone in the Heart category would enjoy gentle foreplay and gentle sex; whereas someone in the Diamond category would prefer gentle foreplay and hard sex. Does that make any sense?"

       "No," Kyle sighed with a shake of his head, making Satzki laugh.

       "Like you said," he spoke lightly. "You circled what you think you like. That's all you needed to do." His eyes flickered down to Kyle's form again. "I don't suppose you've ever been a customer here, have you?"

       The younger's cheeks grew warm. "I have," he admitted, averting his eyes. "I managed to save up and treat myself for my birthday last year. My...partner was known as Flit."

        Satzki's face lit up in recognition of the name, but he forced himself to keep his tone somewhat professional. "And I take it you enjoyed your time here -- seeing as though you not only continue to identify with the Heart category, but you're also applying for a job here too."

       Although he realised the older man was speaking more to himself, Kyle's reply still came out in barely a whisper: "Very much."

       Grinning, Satzki moved the young man's form from one side of the desk to the other before standing up, motioning for Kyle to do the same and leading him to the door. "Well," he said. "We'll be in touch with you by the end of next week to let you know if you've received a position or not. If there's any problem, you can call and we'll see what we can do."

       Kyle nodded and mumbled a polite 'thank you' as he left the office, and Satzki called the next young man in, nodding to one of his helpers as he closed the door again.

       Before he began his next interview, Satzki moved the noirette's form to the corner of his desk, beginning a pile of paper he'd later label 'definitely hire'.  

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