The Photoshoot Pt 2

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Cyl ambled into the warehouse for the second time that day feeling much more confident than he'd felt earlier. Despite the fact that Gear wasn't with him this time, the young man was greeted by the familiar faces of everyone he'd seen on his first day at La Luna along with their respective Stars.

Of course that meant Sev was still there, eyeing Cyl up as he walked towards the others. The shameful feeling in Cyl's gut hadn't exactly subsided, and it was just as difficult for the Heart to look him in the eye as it had been that morning.

The elaborate backdrops from earlier had been rolled up and stored away, having been replaced by a simple white one. In the centre sat a large modern sofa large enough to comfortably fit about half a dozen people, its black leather shining under the lights. The clothing racks had all been pulled together as well, overflowing with too many dry-cleaning bags to count.

"Hey, Cyl!" Mika's voice chirped, and the young man turned to glance up at the taller noirette. "How was your shoot this morning?"

Cyl shrugged, feeling his face warm slightly. "Fine, I guess," he muttered.

"It makes it feel like it's really happening, doesn't it?" Mika grinned. "Is it promotional material or something? Did you see them when you were here last time?"

"Oh, um," Cyl stammered, thrown by how casually Mika had brought it up. "I think it's simpler than that — you see the photo when you request someone."

Mika nodded thoughtfully. "So why're we here now?"

The younger shrugged again, turning to watch as Satzki entered the building, somehow managing to still look so put together despite the fact that he'd been running around all morning.

"Welcome back, everyone!" he announced, smiling as a hush fell over the crowd. "You all had your solo photos done this morning, so this afternoon will be dedicated to group shots."

Cyl felt a shudder run down his spine as he glanced up at Mika, who met his gaze awkwardly.

"I've given instructions to your Stars, so they'll be handling things mostly," Satzki continued. "If everyone could get changed now, we can get started."

The two boys followed gingerly as the others headed for the clothing racks, and Mika cleared his throat.

"What did they make you wear this morning?" he asked in an attempt to break the silence.

Cyl's cheeks burned. "Half a suit and a bunch of necklaces," he said quickly as he grabbed his hanger, unzipping the cover to discover yet another suit — only this one seemed smaller and actually had all the pieces.

"Doesn't sound too bad," Mika chirped, opening his to reveal the same. "Ours was mainly street-wear — apparently the Stars picked 'em for us."

It took everything Cyl had not to glare daggers at Sev; but he chanced a look over at the taller man, their colourful gazes locking momentarily before distractions pulled their attentions away.

Unlike last time, Cyl's clothes actually fit. Everyone had been given a simple yet well-tailored black suit, and the young man immediately understood why. Somehow everyone looked good despite the extreme variations in size and shape.

"Um— everyone?" a musical voice cut through the crowd as a small hand waved in the air.

Cyl craned his neck to see, following the arm down to see a small yet familiar-looking man smiling at the group. Most of his golden blond hair was pulled back into a small ponytail, showing off a set of brilliant sky blue eyes.

"My name is Lain for those who don't know me," the blond continued with a grin. "We're going to start by dividing you into groups based on hair colour, so can I get the other blonds on set please?"

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