BONUS: A Flashback

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Kyle stood with hunched shoulders at the bar, nursing his colourful drink. If things had gone right he would have been on a plane right now, or perhaps checking in to some fancy hotel in Germany, but those plans had fallen through. Instead, here he was, about to spend all the money he'd saved for travelling on one night that would hopefully make him forget about everything that had happened.

His cousin, Eddie, had ditched him since buying the cocktail for him, but Kyle wasn't about to complain. If he hadn't been moping around so much, maybe Eddie wouldn't have felt pressured to bring him along. He took another sip, hoping the alcohol would drown out the loud music that thumped over the dance floor.

A glance around the large room told Kyle he was probably the only one still keeping to himself. Everyone had more or less partnered up already, and had either continued to dance or headed off to the carefully positioned booths for some privacy. Eddie's mop of blond hair was nowhere to be seen, and he most likely didn't want to be interrupted, but that didn't stop Kyle from scanning the place for him, eventually locking eyes with a tall man in a dark suit.

The noirette quickly averted his gaze, his face flushing red as he stared down at his drink. Maybe the man hadn't seen him. Maybe he was looking at someone else.

Kyle was immediately proven wrong when he felt a hand sit warmly on his shoulder, and the figure leaned down to speak in his ear. "You've been by yourself for a while," his smooth voice murmured. "Are you waiting for someone?"

Shaking his head slowly, Kyle turned to glance at the man, forcing himself to look up at his face. Auburn hair framed chiselled features in what could have been soft waves if it were longer. A small mole sat under one of his eyes, which were a striking shade of silver, and his smile was slightly crooked. Pinned to his lapel was a name badge with the word 'Flit' and a small heart symbol in clear black font.

"What's your name?" Flit asked.

"I-It's Kyle."

"Well, Kyle," the taller man grinned, his hand sliding down to rest on the small of the young man's back. "I was hoping you could join me on he dance floor, if that's okay with you."

Kyle fiddled with the hotel room key in his pocket as he followed Flit's gaze to the group of men in the middle of the room, moving rhythmically against each other. "Oh, um, sure." Taking his drink, Kyle obediently let himself be steered through the crowd until they reached the others, looking up at Flit when they stopped.

The Heart's hand moved from Kyle's back to his waist, guiding him through the movements as they swayed with the music.

Kyle kept his gaze on his feet, feeling his face grow hot and red. The last time he'd been on a dance floor was high school, and to say he hadn't spent much of prom dancing would have been a gross understatement. With so much of his focus on what was happening inside his own head, Kyle barely noticed the music due down as the next song began to play, let alone the fact that Flit had leaned down to murmur in his ear.

"Do you have a keycard?" he asked, his hand returning to the young man's back.

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